December 19, 2016

These pictures were taken when I was in Manhattan on business. While my friend, Kylee, and I rode into the city, we watched ads on a screen in our cab. The hottest NYC hair trend was obvious…braids, braids, and more braids. The style I’m wearing in these pictures was everywhere. Kylee said, “I bet I can recreate that look on you.” So, when I had a break between meetings, she did. Then we went out and snapped these pics.


Here’s how you can get this look: First, take a two-inch wide section of hair on top and create a French Braid starting just above your forehead. Secure it with an elastic. If you need a little help weaving the braid, here’s a great step-by-step tutorial.


Second, create two more French Braids, one on each side of your head. Angle them toward the bottom of the crown, and have them meet the top braid there. For each of the side braids, you will also use a two-inch wide section of hair. Tie up the loose ends with elastics.


Third, take the the three French Braids you have just created and weave a traditional braid. Start this just below the crown, and make it only about one inch long. You know how…right over center, left over new center, and so on.


Secure this new braid with an elastic, and remove the elastics from the ends of the three braids you used to create it. Bunch all loose hairs into this high ponytail and secure them.

For a full ponytail, keep the three braids in for a while. After you remove the bands on all of them, fluff the hair and spray it. The result will resemble a crimped, full ponytail.


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December 12, 2016

The search for the perfect holiday gown can be endless since every designer has shimmering, tantalizing options this time of year. Anthropologie is where I found this one. The embellishments on it even match my tree. I’d call that Christmas magic!







When shopping for such an item, I like to make it a special excursion. I found this dress at Seattle’s University Village. In fact, one of you sent me an Instagram message saying that you saw me spying it.


But I didn’t just dash into the store and jet home. I spent as much time in the Village as I could. I strolled past the shops in the crisp winter air while being warmed inside and out by hot chocolate from Starbucks.


I found some incredible gifts for special people on my Christmas list and, after buying them, ate lunch at Veggie Grill. I delighted in watching toddlers there excitedly ask for fried cauliflower. When I started to leave, one even told me that if I stayed, she would share hers with me.


Could there be any better way to kick off the holiday season?


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December 6, 2016

When I decided to get courageous and take my first Bachata lesson in a Boot Camp, I never dreamt that it would be taught by the famous Salsa and Bachata World Champion, Grizzly Hidriago. Afterwards, we filmed this video dancing the routine together.

Grizzly isn’t just a champion, he is the owner/director of a renowned dance company that regularly racks up awards around the world. He also hosts events. In October of 2017, they’re having a huge Halloween bash in Los Angeles! The festivities will be fabulous and the professionals even more fabulous. To learn more, watch this video where I interview Gizzly:


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The pȃtisserie, Baked by Melissa, was such a regular stop during my Manhattan stay that the ladies who worked there became treasured friends! If you are in that city and love sweets, this is a great place to put on your to-do list.


Melissa’s macarons will keep you coming back for more. And in case you’re wondering, I have it on good authority that there is a definite difference between those delicacies and macaroons.


I’m by no means an authority on these bonnes bouches, but here is how the Macaron Expert explains the difference: a macaron is a meringue-based cookie, whereas “macaroon” is a catch-all term that applies to a variety of small sweets. I’m just paraphrasing and, like I said, I’m not the Macaron Queen, so if you are, I’d love to hear your explanation.


While in NYC, I frequented the Baked by Melissa shop in Times Square, and learned a secret about this location. Celebrities often stay at the hotel across the street, so if you get your macaron-fix there, you could also do some up-close star-gazing.



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For those of you who love to dance – whether you’re an expert or a novice ̶ I have just the event for you! I was a ballet dancer growing up, so the current social dance craze has opened up a whole new world to me. As some of you know, for about a year, I’ve done a little social Salsa from time-to-time. My first official lesson was last July and, I confess, it was also my last…that is, until now.

Last weekend, I attended my first-ever Salsa and Bachata festival. Apparently, these events are staged all around the world. They are called “congresses,” so that is the term you use if you want to search for one near you. Just type a city into a Google search, followed by “Salsa Congress.”


Congresses feature hours of workshops and boot camps at reasonable prices. Some of them are specifically tailored to beginners. I was offered about 50 hours of instruction, social dancing, and performances over the course of three days for $170. That’s an incredible deal, especially considering that dance champions flew in from around the world to teach and perform…Spain, Portugal, France, Columbia, Cuba…more than I can remember. Attendees also flew in from an array of foreign lands for a chance to learn from them.

Inside Information.

The entire weekend was an experience that I will never forget! If you’re thinking about attending a congress, here is some inside information that I was fortunate to learn:

Bring three pairs of shoes.

I didn’t survive all of the 50 hours, but I would definitely say that in three days, I danced for over 20 of them! That called for bringing three pairs of shoes. In this picture, I’m only holding up two, but a third was in my bag. Bringing extra pairs of comfortable heels is a must, otherwise your feet will be screaming for mercy! I’d also advise bringing a pair of flats that dance well.


Tips for Beginners: My congress included a Beginner Boot Camp. I highly recommend it if you are just learning.

I also recommend carefully planning your time. The workshops run all day, beginning around 11am. The professionals perform at night, and everyone enjoys social dancing from 11pm-6am.

True beginners will want to attend the socials between 11pm and 1am. That’s a terrific time to practice because it draws in a combination of beginners and good dancers who aren’t necessarily professionals. After 1 am, the hardcore dancers arrive. Some beginners who stayed felt overwhelmed trying to keep up with them. So if you are in this category, you might take the opportunity then to watch and learn.

Tips for More Advanced Dancers: This was my first time ever Bachata-dancing, but I did not sign up for the Beginner Boot Camp. I went straight for the intermediate/advanced classes. If you have any kind of a dance background, even if you haven’t danced in years, you’ll be fine in those as long as you can pick up choreography.

Pace Yourself.

Most people are like me…they cannot handle three days of nonstop action with only five hours to eat, shower, sleep and get be ready to go again. To really utilize your congress experience, I suggest taking the workshops during the day, enjoying the performances at night and then taking a nap so that you can dance when the professionals are there from about 1-6 am. Confession: I never made it to 6, but I did push through until 5 am! And what an incredible experience!!

After one of my workshops, I got to film choreography with former Bachata and Salsa World Champion from Venezuela, Grizzly Hidriago. I’ll do a longer post on him and his company next week, but in the meantime, here’s a clip of the choreography that I learned from his workshop.

If you ever get a chance to attend a congress, I highly recommend it. You’ll make friends from around the world. At my first workshop, I met Sherise, who became an instant best friend. We spent hours dancing, chatting and having a terrific time. She’s from Canada and was staying with friends at the hotel where the event was being hosted. I felt like I was adopted into their room. They were all dance-congress veterans and showed me the ropes. At the end, as we left with sore bodies and happy spirits, Sherise confided, “You don’t do the congress correctly, if you walk away without a blister!”



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Happy Thanksgiving! Today, Americans observe our nation’s oldest tradition. We gather with family and friends, and focus on our blessings. Regardless of what country you are from, I invite you to join us. Giving thanks for the benefits you have can boost your spirits, help you realize what is important in life, and increase your resolve to attain it.

Some people think they need perfect conditions or a monumental success to count their blessings. But when President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed this national holiday, the United States was engaged in the Civil War. The bloody Battle of Gettysburg had been fought just three months before, and each side had lost about a third of their fighting men. Lincoln was the commander in chief of the Union forces, yet on that first Thanksgiving, he spoke as the President of the entire nation. He asked all Americans to count their blessings, “with one heart and one voice.”

There are so many things, little and big, that each of us can be grateful for. Here is my list of ten things that I may have sometimes taken for granted, but are truly amazing. I’m starting with the turning leaves. That is why I’m incorporating all these beautiful pictures that I took of Seattle’s Japanese Garden.


1. Nature. When the autumn chill sets in, instead of regretting the loss of summer warmth, I take joy in the stunning colors splashed on the leaves.

2. Lasting Friendships. One of my best friends from Vanderbilt, Regina, once said, “A good friend is someone who touches base even when years have gone by.” She left me a message the other day and I realized again how truly special good friends are.


3. Home. I am thankful that I have never been forced to sleep without a roof over my head, a place to sleep and food to eat.

4. All of you. During some of my most difficult challenges, some of you sent me the nicest messages. I am truly touched to have you in my life.


5. Breath. This might sound like something we should take for granted, but about a year ago, I went into anaphylactic shock from a newly-acquired shellfish allergy and stopped breathing. It was incredibly scary, and took quite a bit for me to fully overcome. Since then, I wake up every day very grateful to be breathing.


6. Love. Accepting love and feeling love for another person causes vulnerability, but I’m so grateful for that verb. This was especially true after I went into anaphylactic shock. Every time I ate at a restaurant, I was terrified that shellfish sauce would have been snuck into the recipe. After the incident, I was pretty sick and had to have a total of twelve IV drips. But there was someone who showed me a lot of love during that tough time. It made all the difference.


7. Being in the Moment. A recent trip that I took for work made me realize how precious an experience can be. The adventures I had will never come again. Sure, I can return to the locations, but I will never be in the same place with the same people at the same time in our lives.

8. Energy. The other day I took two dance classes back-to-back. I left feeling filled with joy for my health and strength.


9. Family. The people I am spending this day with have been with me since day one.


10. Thanksgiving Day. I’m grateful that Sarah Josepha Hale, a destitute young widow in the 19th Century, became a prestigious magazine editor, and persuaded President Lincoln to establish a day of national thanksgiving. I’m going to strive harder to acknowledge what I have to be thankful each and every day.



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During this enchanting holiday season, when family and friends take top priority, I know just the place for a landmark country breakfast. The Salish Lodge in the Seattle area is an unsurpassed memory-maker!


Come with those you love, and a large appetite. I mean it! As my mom said, “I was full before the first course was finished!” But don’t despair. That means you’ll get to enjoy lots of scrumptious leftovers. Believe me, they taste just as good the next day.


And the view from the breakfast nook is amazing. You’ll be sipping hot drinks while watching a cool mist rising from the gushing waterfall as it hits the river below.


These are the Snoqualmie Falls. They are considered sacred grounds by the Indian tribe whose name they bear. I’m sure you can see why.


I highly recommend making this breakfast a new holiday tradition!



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This fast, easy tutorial even incorporates drugstore products! Your bank account will thank me. So, let’s enter Makeup Land and get to it…

To get the products that I used:

NARS Concealer:

Velvet Luxe Shadow Brush (Similar):

Maybelline THE ROCK NUDES:

Maybelline COLOR TATTOO:

NYX Super Fat Eye Marker:

NARS Foundation:

NARS Browning Powder:

Kate Somerville Hydrating Mist:

SEPHORA Bronzer Brush (Similar):
YSL Mascara:

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For today’s Travel Talk, we’re returning to Toronto’s Distillery District.

I was in town for the premiere of my short film, “In Memory Of,” at the Carlton Cinema. Steve Veale, the director of the Toronto Independent Film Festival, orchestrated the tour.


Then we all got to chatting about the Distillery District…a national historic site.


From November 18 through December 22, this charming town is transformed into a magical holiday hub. Every vendor adds to the winter wonderland. Beer gardens bloom throughout the District. Music, from bluegrass, to folk, opera, and jazz, fills the air. Hospitality abounds.


For all the details, visit Toronto Christmas Market.

Where’s my plane ticket back to Toronto?


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You only have to watch this video to discover the magic of Rebecca Minkoff. Her designs have just the right balance of edgy and feminine. Here, I’m wearing her styles from head-to-toe.

For the product links:


Moto Jacket:

Dress (Similar):

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Parks are enchanting places for little kids. But they’re not the only ones. I’m always drawn to a beautiful leafy vista or a winding wooded path. Who could possibly resist the temptation to follow it?


Maybe I’m just a little kid at heart! Whether it’s a crisp spring morning, a sunny August day, or a chilly autumn, I love walking through a park…especially when the leaves are turning vibrant colors.


When I was little and the wind blew them around, my grandpa used to say, “it’s raining leaves.” He passed away when I was sixteen. Since that day, every time I see brightly-colored leaves falling, I hope that he is looking down from heaven and knows I’m thinking of him.


Top by Anthropologie, Velvet Leggings from Express, DELMAN Cyera Brown Boots (Similar), and Coat by LARRY LEVINE (No longer available).

Top by Anthropologie:

Velvet Leggings from Express:

DELMAN Cyera Brown Boots:


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I’ll be the first to admit that I have a definite lack of talent when it comes to the kitchen. If I don’t set something on fire, any baking escapade I embark on is considered a success;) And I’m also not afraid to admit that a boxed cake mix and frosting from a can are sometimes my best friends.

The other day, I heard a little girl ask her older cousin if they could make Halloween treats. The response was, “I wish, but we don’t have enough time today.” Don’t let the clock stop you. Run to the market, scoop up some supplies, and get creative. That’s what I did, and here is the result:


In a grand total of twelve minutes, you can mix up batter, fill up a cupcake tin, pop it into the oven, and pull out a set of ghost cupcakes perfect for decorating.


With a variety of frostings and toppings, there is no limit to what your imagination can concoct. I used mini-M&M’s for eyes. Some of my ghosts got candy corn edging and candy pumpkins for hands. Others had bats for bow ties, and said, “Boo!” I realize that they look kind of like a kid did them, but hey, isn’t this the holiday to feel like a kid again?!





So, don’t let a busy schedule rob you…or a beloved little one…of Halloween-baking fun!


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You’ve all heard of something described as a “show stopper.” Well, this house is a “traffic stopper.” There is usually not a whole lot of traffic in this neighborhood, but you get the idea. I discovered this beauty on a walk while housesitting. I paused to admire it for so long that I inadvertently made friends with the owners. They were so inviting that they let me take some photos while I was on my way to an event.


Speaking of photos, some of you on Snapchat (katherinechloe) have asked me to continue posting about fashions that are easy to dance in. That describes this dress.


The skirt flows out perfectly making it ideal for salsa dancing. Here’s a tip though: This Free People creation runs enormously big. I wear an extra-small in it. In reality, I haven’t seen my extra-small days in FOREVER! Not since I was dancing ballet many hours a day.


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October 24, 2016

Fall is one of my favorite times of year, and one of the reasons is Halloween. To me, this holiday represents a time to celebrate the miracle of nature while marveling at the dramatic change of seasons. It’s a time to pause and recapture our childlike wonder, to use our imaginations and dress-up like we did regularly when we were little kids. It’s a time to reconnect with old friends at parties. It’s the perfect excuse to indulge in too much candy.


If you’re still debating what to be for Halloween, this post is for you. I’m taking a walk down my own Memory Lane of Costumes. The getups I concocted over the years ran the gamut from easy to elaborate, and each one meant just as much to me.

It’s All in The Mask. Choosing a mask-centered costume is the quick approach. I’ve often hit up Fireworks, a unique gift shop, when I was on the go and needed to put something special together fast.


Over the years, I’ve come to this place (FireworksGallery) time after time because it has unique gifts to give others. One late October, when I was in a bind and needed a present to take to a friend’s birthday party, I noticed Fireworks’ beautiful Halloween masks. I had thought I didn’t have the time to come up with a costume to wear that night. Then I realized that I could pull quickly pull something together by combining one of those masks with what was already in my closet.

For past Halloween parties, I’ve often transformed myself into a girl at a masquerade ball. It was easy. I just paired this mask and gloves from Fireworks with a dance dress that I already owned.

Other times when in a pinch, I quickly became a cat. All it took was this mask, a black, one-piece bathing suit, and black leggings. The costume was complete with cat eye makeup for all those moments when the mask comes off.


So when people invite you to their costume parties, and you think that you don’t have the time to put a costume together, get a mask, be a great guest, and add to the ambience.

The Elaborate Route. My love runs deep for Tinker Bell. So much so, that I designed this costume and had it made for a special party!


If you’d like to be Tink this year, here’s a makeup tutorial. Little kids have mistaken me for the real character in the movie, so I’ve honed the look. I’ve brought out this costume several times over the years, and it’s still one of my favorites.

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October 17, 2016

The Bellevue Reporter asked me to write an article about the recent world premiere of my short film in Toronto. If you’d like to learn the story behind “In Memory Of,” how it came together, and my secret to pulling late-night editing sessions, read this brief memoir…

bellevue-reporter-articleIt was a privilege to be featured in the Bellevue Reporter. I have lived in many places, but to me, downtown Bellevue is home. It is an international metropolis, a magnet for young professionals, and “a city in a park.”


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