
Ghost Cupcakes to Get You in the Halloween Mood

October 29, 2016

I’ll be the first to admit that I have a definite lack of talent when it comes to the kitchen. If I don’t set something on fire, any baking escapade I embark on is considered a success;) And I’m also not afraid to admit that a boxed cake mix and frosting from a can are sometimes my best friends.

The other day, I heard a little girl ask her older cousin if they could make Halloween treats. The response was, “I wish, but we don’t have enough time today.” Don’t let the clock stop you. Run to the market, scoop up some supplies, and get creative. That’s what I did, and here is the result:


In a grand total of twelve minutes, you can mix up batter, fill up a cupcake tin, pop it into the oven, and pull out a set of ghost cupcakes perfect for decorating.


With a variety of frostings and toppings, there is no limit to what your imagination can concoct. I used mini-M&M’s for eyes. Some of my ghosts got candy corn edging and candy pumpkins for hands. Others had bats for bow ties, and said, “Boo!” I realize that they look kind of like a kid did them, but hey, isn’t this the holiday to feel like a kid again?!





So, don’t let a busy schedule rob you…or a beloved little one…of Halloween-baking fun!


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