Bring on the beach, the sunsets, the sea, and the dance parties! When I asked someone what time it was, he said, “Cabo time…whatever you want it to be!”

For today’s sun togs, I chose a Karla Colletto swimsuit and a Wayf shawl. The wrap was designed for nights on the town, not days at the beach—but I found that it worked there just as well!

I always pick a one-piece suit when I’m in the mood for something adventurous like slipping down the slide, entering the belly flop contest, or joining the losing team in water volleyball.

With my Sun ‘n’ Sand butterfly bag and Steve Madden shoes (similar), I’m ready to rock any impromptu poolside party.

And watch out…when I’m wearing these Michael Kors reflectors, you can see yourself coming! One lady said, “Don’t mind me,” as she stopped to check out her lipstick in my shades:)

Since today is Meeting Men Monday, I’m giving a shout-out to an adorable couple in their 80s who I met on the plane. They’re in Cabo celebrating their 62nd wedding anniversary! Their advice for keeping love alive? “Never let the fun wilt in a relationship.”
I saw this principle in action. Upon boarding the plane, the wife mistakenly led them to the back when their seat assignments were in the front. A flight attendant straightened this out, but upon landing, she could not find one of their bags and got flustered. The husband reassured her with a joke. He hugged his wife and said, “My sweetheart hid it really well. It’s probably under the captain’s seat by now.” Everyone around them laughed and helped find the bag.

I’ll be posting more vacay pics on my blog and Instagram. If any of you have been to Cabo, I’d love to hear your hot spot suggestions!