Here, I bring you with me as I direct and shoot a news story while walking miles across the beautiful, snow-covered rolling hills of Western New York.

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Shea’s Performing Arts Center is a Buffalo landmark sought out by people from around the world. Broadway touring productions typically choose Shea’s as the venue to launch their shows. Although the pandemic has put this New York treasure on intermission for almost a year, Shea’s is celebrating its 95th anniversary and looking forward to opening its doors again. Teamwork is the epitome of this company. I appreciate that every time I enter the theatre. This time, I am especially thankful for the use of archival material and Kevin Sweeney, Director of Marketing and Communications. I generally shoot and edit my stories solo, and I wanted to do a standup that would have required me to clone myself. Without hesitation, Kevin came to the rescue and filmed me while walking backwards!

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The Bills Mafia is world-renown, and known for having some of the most spirited football fans. With Buffalo buzzing about the team’s high-stakes home game tonight in the NFL Divisional Round, the Bills Mafia are in high gear. Here’s my story about how this famous fan group came to be, straight from a founder. She attended last week’s playoff game and gives you a flavor of what to expect once the Bills Stadium gates open.

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Now, you can not only sing along with the Buffalo Bills SHOUT Song, you can dance along with it too! As a news reporter, I get to cover many exciting fan stories. Ever since I posted one about the viral Bills SHOUT Dance, fans have messaged me asking to learn it. Here, two dancers from Future Dance, the local group that created it, team up with me to teach you the choreography! The Bills are headed to the playoffs and hosting their first playoff game in 25 years! So, dance, shout and show your team spirit!!

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When a white police officer in Minneapolis handcuffed an African-American suspect, pushed him face-first onto the pavement, and kneeled on his neck until he died, people worldwide swarmed cities to express their outrage. The peaceful protests descended into violence, vandalism and looting. The next morning, concerned citizens started cleaning up the damage, but day-after-day, the cycle was repeated. I am a TV reporter and anchor in New York. This is a candid look at what I witnessed firsthand.

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Because I am an anchor and reporter, my business is considered an essential service, even during a pandemic. I am in New York, which is quickly becoming the epicenter of the virus. State government has placed several restrictions on residents in an attempt to slow down the spread of this disease. I have received so many questions about what it is like to do my job under these conditions that I’ve created this Day in the Life Video about it. If there is anything you would like to see covered on the local Western New York news at this trying time, please feel free to reach out to me with your questions.

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The historic Shea’s Performing Arts Center has long been a destination for patrons of the arts, who come to see established plays and new productions being groomed for Broadway debuts. Now, I get to show viewers what it takes to put on these productions, events, and projects. Here’s a look at an exclusive story in my news series, Curtain Up With Katherine. This one focuses on Shea’s community outreach program, which teaches young children about the arts and important lessons in life.

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The news never takes a break! Whether you’re enjoying the holidays surrounded by family and friends, or you’re at the office with co-workers, I hope you can join me in finding this year’s season one of the best!

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The chance purchase of a Sim card unexpectedly led an Amsterdam woman to become a cherished, life-long member of an all-male Bills’ fan club.
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November 28, 2019

Here’s a look at what it was like to anchor for the very first time in New York. I did that last weekend, as we were all preparing for this holiday! I’m so grateful for those who have made me feel at home here, and for cherished relationships with family members and friends everywhere.

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What causes people to attack schools? In the case of a school shooting, is it best to run and hide, or fight? These are the types of terrifying questions that our children must consider as these horrific attacks escalate. What does FBI research teach us about the answers to those questions? What do parents, grandparents and students think about what they are facing, and what should be done? What do you think? My full report is on
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Sun, wind or driving rain…the TV news goes on!
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The first time I reported from Niagara Falls was a moving experience. The community expressed their gratitude for fallen firefighters and the sacrifices they had made.

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September 27, 2019

Here’s a look at the first time I reported live at the festivities preceding an NFL game. It was for my new station: Channel 9, Spectrum News Buffalo. The undefeated Buffalo Bills delivered another victory in their first home-opener. What a memory!
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Any guesses as to where the next chapter will unfold in my career as a TV journalist? To find out, watch this video.
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