April 15, 2015

Will I ever stop being enchanted by Milly designs? I’d say the answer is an emphatic, “No!”

Milly A

This creation is a blend of sunny coquettishness and couture detailing. The cloth is adorned with tiny shimmering flecks that are only visible up close, giving it an element of surprise. The closer you come, the more flecks and depth you notice.

Milly B

This quality of Milly’s spring/summer collection is intentional. As Michelle Smith, the founder, explained, “I designed a lot of the fabrics I’m using. I’ve married classic fabrics — like an Italian wool fabric and I bonded it. I took it and I treated it here in New York City and used a bonding technique on it. It creates beautiful body and sculpture.”

Milly C

I can attest to that. Milly’s masterpieces flatter the figure with comfortable fabrics that have substance.


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That describes coconut oil. This splurge-free item isn’t just great for cooking. When used on dry hair, it adds shine.

Low Cost, High Quality Hair Care A

And when you put it on wet hair, due to its chemical structure, coconut oil also penetrates the cortex, treating the interior of each strand to keep it healthy.

Low Cost, High Quality Hair Care B

Whenever I treat myself to this natural indulgence, I first shampoo my hair. Then I evenly distribute the coconut oil and braid my strands so they’re out of the way.

Low Cost, High Quality Hair Care C

I leave the oil on for about fifteen minutes while I do some work and hop back in the shower to rinse and condition as usual. If you follow this process about once a week you’ll have an abundance of strength and shine. The below pic was taken right after I discovered its wonders.

Low Cost, High Quality Hair Care D

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April 13, 2015

To me, this phrase has always seemed to be a romantic–but faulty–metaphor. Logically, I thought that falling in love was following my mind. After all, isn’t it your mind that tells you you’re in love? When you act on impulse, doesn’t your mind tell you to act? Well, after reading some interesting research on kissing, I’ve decided that there is more substance to conventional romantic wisdom than I thought. So I’ve decided that the phrase should be changed to “follow your heart and your mind.”

Follow Your Heart

It’s Okay to be Smart dissected the subject. Joe Hanson, of this YouTube channel, explained that kissing cranks up five of your twelve cranial nerves. Intimacy releases epinephrine and norepinephrine, which cause your heart to beat faster. That sends a wave of oxygenated blood to your brain which dilates your pupils.

And while all of this is happening, your mind is telling you how much you love this person.

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April 10, 2015

Here’s another handmade beach find from my Cabo trip.

Mexico Style A

I eyed this sweater as another girl was purchasing a different one from the same beach vendor. Mine was tucked so deep in his pile that only a peep was showing. As I bought it, the girl told me she wished she’d spied mine sooner. So my tip when choosing handmade, one-of-a-kind items is to ask about the options, and review everything—after all, that’s a big part of the fun.

Mexico Style B


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Congratulations to those about to graduate from college! Since this is Travel Thursday and I’ve posted about some of my film industry work in LA and NYC, I’m answering questions about what to wear to job interviews there. And, as you all know, I love requests, especially about anything involving fashion.

The trick with interviews is to dress for the position you seek. The tricky part is that this can vary by company, and even within divisions of the same company. I’ve met with several film producers and been stunned at how much style shifts from one place to another. This week, I’ve featured fashions at Insurgent premieres, and that’s a great tie-in.


Lionsgate is one of the film’s distributors, and I’m happy to share my experience there. Before I go to any meeting in the film industry where I haven’t been before, I search online for pictures of what the staff wears. When I met with an executive of Lionsgate TV, based on what I saw, I wore the same black dress that I chose when a Toronto theatre put up a poster of my short film But I Do for the Canadian premiere.


This dress was perfect for my Lionsgate meeting. In fact, the producer I met with mentioned this, and said that one of the elements she loved about her division of Lionsgate was that the dress code wasn’t as formal as at other film companies she’d worked for where only business suits were allowed.

Good luck to all of you! And if you have any more questions, I’m here.

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Spring is here and celebs have already begun shamelessly wearing white. Yesterday, I featured Shailene Woodley’s hairstyle. Today I’m highlighting her Insurgent red carpet fashions. As you can see, she was all about the color white.

Shailene Woodley A Shailene Woodley B Shailene Woodley C

And the last time I stepped inside a mall, I noticed that white was taking over the racks. So I didn’t want to be left out.

Artizia Dress A

I got this find at Artizia. It’s lightweight, comfortable and cute.

Artizia Dress B

So I guess you all know what color I’m planning on wearing to my next event!

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After I saw this pic of Shailene wearing fashionable feathers at the London Insurgent premiere, I wanted to try the trend.

Hair Style Inspired by Shailene Woodley A

So I went to an arts-and-craft store, perused the feather section, and chose one. I didn’t want to out-and-out copy Shai, so I picked a green-based feather. Since I have long hair, I did a version of a French twist and placed the embellishment along the side.

Hair Style Inspired by Shailene Woodley B

In my ballet days, I got to the point where I could throw my hair in a twist in under two minutes. I adore this look, because it can pass as fancy-event appropriate, but it’s oh-so-easy. Here’s how to do it…

Hair Style Inspired by Shailene Woodley C

Smooth your hair back as if you’re going to pull it into a low ponytail. Starting at the nape, begin twisting that tail to the right as you continuously pull it straight upward. Keep twisting until you reach the top of your head. Insert about ten pins along the side to hold this in place.

Hair Style Inspired by Shailene Woodley D

Depending on how long your hair is, you will have some of the tail remaining. Everyone deals with this differently. I loop it back down into a half circle and pin the ends.

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Okay, all you dancing darlings, it’s time to get our groove on! Here, I’m breaking down the steps to Fifth Harmony’s, Worth It.

The other day, I heard a guy say, “The sexiest quality in a woman is confidence without conceit.” In Fifth Harmony’s video and performances, they strut their stuff while belting out the lyrics with a carefree appeal. In my opinion, confidence and knowing your self-worth are far more important than any beauty product or material possession. All you ladies have something spectacular to offer that makes you worth love and respect.

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April 3, 2015

I had to part with Cabo San Lucas, but that doesn’t mean I also had to part with the souvenirs I picked up there. Personally, I think some of the best Mexico fashion finds come from itinerant beach merchants. I don’t know why, but a girl can be lounging on the sand, totally tuckered out from mega fun the night before—and once she spies a vender carrying something cute, she’s instantly filled with the energy to hop up and run to him.

Handmade Fashions A

The above bathing suit cover-up was handmade by the family of the seller, and very reasonably priced. In my opinion, of all the goods sold on the beach, the handmade items are the ones to hold out for. Each dress is slightly different, so you won’t see yourself coming and going around town.

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March 25, 2015

You know, Jennifer Lopez isn’t shy about showing off her BOOTY, and neither is Iggy Azalea. Here, I’m teaching dance moves to this infectious song.

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March 24, 2015

I’ve received a request to teach dance moves to the Jennifer Lopez song, Booty, featuring Iggy Azalea. Of course, the answer is yes! So get ready to shake your butt because the video is coming out tomorrow. I say if you have a big booty own it, and if you don’t…well still own it:)


And speaking about owning things, I started out trying to coiffeur my hair here in Cabo, but the humidity clearly is boss. So I’ve decided to own my beach waves. This Beauty Trend Tuesday, I’m sharing one of my favorite hair-care lines for those of us who have natural waves. It’s called Ouidad. With their products, you can create beach waves in seconds without making your locks go crazy…aka what my mom calls clown hair.

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March 23, 2015

I snapped this picture with my phone while relaxing on my beach chair in Cabo; it’s paradise in one click:)

Cabo A

Here is a variety of touching/adorable/funny comments from couples around town:

“I’ve been with my husband for thirty years and each day I fall more deeply in love with him.”

“Bars were invented for men to wait in while their wives finish getting ready. But the wait is always worth it.”

Cabo B

“When my wife sees something on a cart and says, ‘That looks beautiful,’ I’ve learned that the appropriate answer is always, ‘Here’s the money, dear.’”

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March 20, 2015

When a girl needs a dress, a girl can never go wrong with Ted Baker. That’s who I’m featuring here in Cabo for Fashion Friday.

Ted Baker A

It’s the weekend and a vacationer can expect lots of sunbeams, dancing, and fun. Anyone who knows me, knows dancing is one of my favorite weekend (and frankly weekday) activities. This Ted Baker dress flips out at the end, making it a prime twirler. And I don’t know what it is about Cabo, but girls twirl everywhere. Maybe that is because this town is Dance Central—from around the pool to on the beach, and from hotel balconies to restaurants and clubs!

Ted Baker B

To complete my look for this evening, I chose a Lucite bangle from Alexis Bittar. The hue goes with a variety of ensembles, which makes it an ideal, versatile accessory for limited packing space.

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March 19, 2015

Somebody has hot dance moves! That would be Natalie La Rose in the music video to her new song Somebody. Here’s a choreography tutorial so you can learn to dance along.

Since this is Travel Thursday, I want to share that after filming the video, I rushed off to dinner at The Office. I’ve mentioned before how much I enjoy this place, but it bears repeating. If all our work felt like The Office, life would be one big party! This restaurant is located on the beach – literally – and so close to the sea that the tide can almost touch the first row of tables. Live music and heavenly food accompany the visual ambiance.


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March 18, 2015

…And Kate Spade. Which is why when I eyed this Love dress of hers, I knew it was going in my suitcase.


And speaking of that L word, a traveler definitely feels the love here. People are ultra-friendly and everyone is encouraged to join in everything regardless of age differences. I’ve already started a tradition of morning water aerobics where we are joined by the smiling faces of those eight to eighty-eight. In my mind, it makes up for succumbing to all those tantalizing sweet rolls staring at me every morning in the pool-side restaurant. Cabo sure knows how to make irresistible treats!


After water aerobics – which if I’m going to be honest, is fifty percent a chat fest accompanied by good music – I head for the sand-and-sea. After the sun sets, on goes the dress and I’m ready to fiesta. That’s where Kate Spade comes in. If any of you have a favorite Cabo haunt, I’d like to hear about it.

Loving Cabo C


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