Event Alert

What: Northwestern University Philanthropy Book Event This evening is one of a kind! At my philanthropy book events, the students choose the activities. So far, we have had a concert, theatrical performances, and a party band at a waterfront restaurant. Northwestern students, Allie Gullquist and Dayana Sarkisova, came up with a male European pageant called “MEETING NORTHWESTERN’S EUROPEAN MEN.” The …

Event Alert

What: Seattle Borders Book Signing Seattle’s holiday festivities will be in full swing the day after Thanksgiving, so if you’re going downtown, I’d love to see you at my book signing! It’s across the street from the carousel and next to Starbucks, so if you need to warm up or meet up with friends, this is the perfect place. Other …

Vandy Philanthropy Book Event

We had a fabulous performance lineup to benefit the local Nashville Children’s Hospital featuring popular Nashville singers who donated their talents for the cause. Thanks to everyone involved. Here are pictures from the event. We were so excited to have Todd Sansom. When I told his manager we would announce that he was performing at The Stage later that night, …

Don’t Leave Home Without It!

In her amazing review entitled Don’t Leave Home Without It! Antoinette Klein, a top Amazon reviewer, wrote this about my book: “Single women will relish the 40 Flirty Tips that work wonders with men. Many of these tips are just as appropriate for girls pursuing the American Male on their home turf, so even if you have no immediate need …

University of Texas Philanthropy Event

Monday’s University of Texas philanthropy event was fabulous. Thank you to everyone who came and helped First Book give new books to children in need. When I grew up, I always had access to books and I want all children to have this advantage. Books bring them joy, help them see the possibilities before them, and inspire them to reach …

Event Alert

What: Vanderbilt University Book Event This is the evening’s pre-pregame with free entertainment by popular Nashville singers, desserts, and signed copies of my book. Entitled “Give the Kids a Shot at Life,” it benefits the Nashville Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital and features frosting shots for everyone. They are quite the craze in Hollywood so I am bringing them to …

Are My Videos For Real or Parodies?

Yesterday, after hours of radio interviews starting at 4AM, I learned that the Internet had exploded with people wondering if the videos for my book, The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men, are serious or parodies. Come on, friends, do you really think I am being serious?! Of course they are parodies! No, I do not expect a girl …

A Dome of Donuts Does the Trick

It’s 3-something AM! I’m starting more phone tapings for early-morn radio talk shows. This round of interviews calls for a dome of donuts to keep me awake:) I’m so excited about the program lineup. The hosts are great! Hope you all get to hear one of the shows.

Event Alert

What: University of Texas Book Event Enjoy complimentary appetizers and the popular party band Lip Service on the upper deck of this trendy waterfront hub. Fashionably late is not in at this event. First 100 girls get a gift of The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men. I will be there signing. Proceeds go to First Book, which provides children …

Her Campus Meets European Men

Windsor Hanger, from HerCampus.com, wrote this about my website, “It’s a goldmine. Trust me on this one.”   Laura Matlin from University of Connecticut, one of the girls planning a book philanthropy event there for me, is the one who tipped off the publisher. She is coming up with quite the creative ideas for our event!

My First Borders Book Signing

I met all types of people at my Seattle Borders signing today…from single girls to moms buying the book for their daughters to even grandpas wanting to get gifts for their granddaughters! Two of my favorite quotes came from Monica, the dark haired stunner in the first pic. As she got her book signed, cute guys entered the store. She …

My “Sexy Book Tour”

I’m doing a Philanthropy University Tour. Students hosting the events call this my “sexy book tour.” Various plans include a Euro men runway show, a vogue waterfront venue, concerts by top musicians, and cutting-edge Euro cuisine. Proceeds go to worthy causes…so partying equals doing good deeds! My first stops are at the University of Texas and Vanderbilt. Northwestern and University …

Radio Tour

At 4AM, I’m starting my radio book interviews! Today, I’m on 17 shows. They’re all by phone, so I’m definitely staying in my PJs. What girl needs caffeine to keep her awake when she has cupcakes?!

My Book Travels Everywhere

Girls at Vanderbilt and University of Washington took these fun pictures of themselves reading my book. The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men travels everywhere:) Maddie, the Vandy girl who sent me the following three pictures, wrote the cutest captions for them: “Maddie’s supposed to be doing homework, but learning how to snag a European man is so much …