
Are My Videos For Real or Parodies?

October 20, 2010

Are My Videos For Real or Parodies

Yesterday, after hours of radio interviews starting at 4AM, I learned that the Internet had exploded with people wondering if the videos for my book, The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men, are serious or parodies. Come on, friends, do you really think I am being serious?! Of course they are parodies! No, I do not expect a girl will try to flirt with European men as six bulls are bearing down on her at The Running of the Bulls. It’s a joke. No, I don’t wear a dress when I bike…much less one matching a basket of flowers on the handlebars. I don’t even own a bike. And no, I do not go around constantly posing. I believe that if others are going to participate in my parody, it’s only fair that I join in.

Some of the information in my videos is true. My friend really did spend the night on the beach after a Summer Solstice fest and turn her dress into a towel in the morning. People really do wear the traditional red and white clothing at The Running of the Bulls, and Spanish men will be impressed with girls who do. The story of my friend at the dance club is real, and I admit on the video that I lack her talents. I’m just doing my best imitation.

Those making negative comments in this Internet explosion don’t seem to have actually read my book. It has received excellent reviews from reviewers and bloggers who have read it. Their recommendations include, “Don’t leave home without it!” “A must have for any one looking to snare, hunt, capture, or just track down the ever elusive European Man, or for those just looking to find the best spots in Europe to have a good time while on vacations or abroad studying.” The reviews are all linked to my website, which one prominent editor called “a goldmine.”

My book is a unique hybrid of travel/European history and culture combined with dating/relationship. It’s full of true stories with a chick lit feel and valuable information, including real man-meeting hotspots throughout 20 European countries with addresses, phone numbers, and websites. It’s also humorous.

Thank you to all of you who have read my book and have sent me encouraging messages. I love reading them.

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