Will you be in Ireland for St. Patty’s Day? Or are you considering a future trip? If so, you can see what fun you’re in for by reading the following excerpt from my book about Dublin’s fabulous St. Patrick’s Festival. If you aren’t planning a trip, you might just change your mind after hearing about it! I have friends who have lived in this country for as long as a year. The festival is top on everyone’s list.

Dublin (St. Patrick’s Festival)
“Obviously there is no better place to celebrate St. Patty’s Day than with the Irish! In Dublin, this holiday isn’t just honored on March 17; it encompasses about six days of festivities showcasing some of the best Irish talent and attended by some of the best Irishmen. Since the festival is charmed by leprechaun luck, if you go you should be lucky enough to snatch one.
The history of this holiday began with a teenage boy, Maewyn Succat from the fifth century, who was kidnapped and forced into slavery. After six years, he escaped and had a vision to help the Irish people. He took the vows of a priest, changed his name to Patrick, and dedicated his life to following his vision. Today, in the spirit of honoring this saint, over 600,000 people attend Dublin’s St. Patrick’s Festival. If you go, be prepared for more than one twenty-first-century Irish hunk to change his name to “St. Lover” and try to sweep you off your feet. Wear green, hold that four-leaf clover close, set your eyes on your favorite Irish lad, and get ready to laugh at his jokes and take pleasure in his romantic pursuits while joining in the festivities.
Word to the Wise. Check out https://www.stpatricksfestival.ie/index.php/events. There are many events to enjoy. Some shindigs attract kids, some families, some older couples, and some singles…so choose what interests both you and eligible Irishmen.”
In my book, I give websites, phone numbers and addresses for most hot spots. This information can change so it’s a good idea to double check before you head out. For example, in the past St. Patrick’s activities lasted six days. This year, it’s a five-day extravaganza.