I was organizing my book reviews for a film exec and saw this one. It made me smile:

“I went to France after reading this book. The guys were sooooo HOTTTT!!!! I used every piece of advice this book gave me:) soooo much FUN!!!:D I don’t think I’ll ever have a week like that again if you know what I mean;)… Seriously girls if you go to Europe READ THIS BOOK.”

I always love seeing a complimentary review, especially one with an exclamation mark. But one with several and smiley faces…now that makes my day! Or should I say, MAKES MY DAY?!!!:) I love this girl. Here’s a picture of the French hottie soccer player Yoann Miguel Gourcuff. Undoubtedly, she met her fair share of guys like him!


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Thank you for your insightful comments on Friday’s Royal Wedding! I’m going on the air early in the morning to discuss it and my book! Here are my impressions about those regal festivities… I loved how the bride and groom didn’t just include royalty, the rich, and the famous on their most important day. Among the honored guests were people like the greengrocer from the rural village where Princess Catherine grew up, her yoga instructor, and staff from charities that William supports. I was touched to see that William inherited his mother’s famous compassion as he personally greeted well-wishers camped out at the palace gates the night before the big event. I was impressed at the care William took to involve Diana everywhere. She was there throughout the engagement as Catherine wore her ring. The wedding ceremony was performed in Westminster Abbey where Diana’s memorial service was held. The couple’s kisses on the Buckingham Palace balcony were reminiscent of Diana on her wedding day, and the hope she undoubtedly would have expressed if she had been alive that their love would last forever.

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Are you experiencing Royal Wedding fever? Since my book covers British culture, radio hosts have invited me to discuss this historic occasion. As it approaches and events unfold, I’d love to hear your insights.

To me, this wedding is a living fairytale and Kate Middleton is a Cinderella. She didn’t have a mean stepmother, but she had to endure many hard times before her “Happily Ever After.” If you look at her today, you see an attractive, poised young lady with a sterling education, an interesting career, a stylish wardrobe, and perhaps the world’s most enviable fiancé. On Friday, she will become Princess Catherine, wife of the handsome Prince William, the likely future King of England. What you don’t see is a girl who descended from coalminers, who had to switch schools when she was young because girls were so mean to her, who boys at her new school ranked as only a #2 on a scale of one to ten in looks and personality, and who was the first in her family to attend college. Kate is living proof that no one should be underestimated. Many of my friends who now have the most successful jobs and relationships were those who struggled most on the way up.

What I also admire about this royal love story is the report that William wasn’t initially drawn to Kate’s beauty. They first became supportive friends and confidants. This is a firm foundation for any successful relationship.

What do you think of this couple and the commitment they are about to make? How do you think it will affect their country? When I discuss this on the air, I would like to know your opinion.

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Happy EasterIt’s my Easter tradition to make decorated cookies or cupcakes for my neighbors. Our neighborhood has Christians, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Muslims, and just about everything in between. It’s a happy mix. My neighbors like my traditions and I like theirs. That is the essence of Meeting European Men. At its heart, this book is about getting to know and appreciate people from different cultures.

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On my university book tour, girls often tell me that before parties they have fun getting together and practicing “flip that hair” from my clubbing video. Then they show me, and they’re so cute doing it, but some of them are getting this dance move confused with “the hair flip” in my book. If a girl did “flip that hair” while hiking up a steep hill with a heavy backpack, she could lose her balance and fall backwards, tumbling into the hikers behind her. That would make an impression alright, but not the kind she would want:)

“The hair flip” is much more subtle, but very successful at attracting desirable male attention. It’s like the effect of blondes. None of the stunning ladies pictured are sporting their natural color but, as Kate Hudson explained, some women want it because in any crowd the eye is naturally drawn to the blonde. I first witnessed the eye-catching effect of “the hair flip” as a teen. A group of eight gorgeous ballerinas entered a crowded bus. Every seat was taken. One of the ballerinas casually tossed her hair, catching the eye of an attractive, charming guy who gave her his seat. On his second or third read, I have no doubt that a desirable guy could be smitten by the raven-haired beauty instead of the blonde, or a ballerina who wasn’t flipping her hair. But Kate’s right―certain traits attract attention. The hair flip is definitely one of them!

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Megan Snider A

Megan Snider (pictured here), whose work was nominated for “Best Written Book Blog,” said of The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men, “For women taking a college semester to study abroad, I can see how this would be the perfect companion to your travels.”

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I already announced my April Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Benefit, but several people have asked me to make a video on this issue to help spread the word about the needs of the Japanese people. I have a hard time doing serious videos. I think that in a world filled with challenges it’s important to be able to laugh, which is why I incorporate humor in my work whenever appropriate…but you probably guessed that from seeing my other videos. There are times, however, when it is necessary to be serious, and this is one of them.

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In her blog, All Roads Lead to Pacetto, a lady who moved to Italy for love wrote, “KCC is still making ‘gems’ and I’m loving her more and more with each new video.” Hope you enjoy this one.

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Here are pictures from Wednesday’s University of Washington book event benefiting Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami Relief. I have a deep-seeded belief in the importance of philanthropy. Since my book came out, I’ve regularly done events on behalf of children’s charities. The recent devastation in Japan is so great that I added this cause. I appreciate everyone who participated last night, but I realize that only a limited number of girls had the opportunity and there is much that needs to be done. In addition to the destruction we have all witnessed, tap water is contaminated, energy is critically low, buildings are unheated, factories are closed, garbage trucks are without gasoline, and radioactive water has come within a yard of an outlet spilling to the sea. As a result, I’ve decided to donate my proceeds from all my book sales during the month of April to the Red Cross. That way anyone anywhere can contribute. There are many wonderful organizations helping Japan. I chose this one because what is needed most now is the flexibility of cash donations to a charity with a well-organized network already in place within this country. They know the priorities firsthand and have the capability of receiving and putting the funds to good use right away.

April Book Proceeds Go To Japan Tsunami Relief

April Book Proceeds Go To Japan Tsunami Relief

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March 28, 2011

Event Alert

What: Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Book Event

University of Washington’s Alpha Chi Omega chapter has invited me to speak to their members about study abroad. Each girl who makes a $10 donation to The Salvation Army Earthquake/Tsunami Relief will receive a free signed copy of my book. When I was five, I was concerned when I heard about disasters like the tragic Bangladesh cyclone. At that age, whenever something bad happened in my life, eating cookies helped. So I made a batch with my mom and asked her to send them off. I wanted to send milk, too, but she explained that it wouldn’t survive the trip. Whether we’re five or 24, like I am now, we can help others in times of crises.

When: Wednesday, March 30 at 6:15PM

Where: Alpha Chi Omega, 4545 17th Ave NE, Seattle 98105

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We lost an icon today when Elizabeth Taylor died. She was internationally revered for her extraordinary beauty and acting talent, but what I will always remember her for is her philosophy on life. She had beautiful violet-colored eyes. I knew her hair-and-makeup artist when I was young and he said that it was true. When people commented on her eye color, she would relate that when she was young, her mother advised her that what mattered most in life was what was behind those eyes. We’ll miss the best of Elizabeth, inside and out.

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March 20, 2011

On vacation

Check out my latest date;) Isn’t he a charmer?!

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St Pattys DayI’m not Irish, but my Irish friends say that anyone can be adopted in on this day. So regardless of your heritage, you can wear green and live it up! You just might find that four-leaf clover.

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Will you be in Ireland for St. Patty’s Day? Or are you considering a future trip? If so, you can see what fun you’re in for by reading the following excerpt from my book about Dublin’s fabulous St. Patrick’s Festival. If you aren’t planning a trip, you might just change your mind after hearing about it! I have friends who have lived in this country for as long as a year. The festival is top on everyone’s list.

4 leaf clover

Dublin (St. Patrick’s Festival)

“Obviously there is no better place to celebrate St. Patty’s Day than with the Irish! In Dublin, this holiday isn’t just honored on March 17; it encompasses about six days of festivities showcasing some of the best Irish talent and attended by some of the best Irishmen. Since the festival is charmed by leprechaun luck, if you go you should be lucky enough to snatch one.

The history of this holiday began with a teenage boy, Maewyn Succat from the fifth century, who was kidnapped and forced into slavery. After six years, he escaped and had a vision to help the Irish people. He took the vows of a priest, changed his name to Patrick, and dedicated his life to following his vision. Today, in the spirit of honoring this saint, over 600,000 people attend Dublin’s St. Patrick’s Festival. If you go, be prepared for more than one twenty-first-century Irish hunk to change his name to “St. Lover” and try to sweep you off your feet. Wear green, hold that four-leaf clover close, set your eyes on your favorite Irish lad, and get ready to laugh at his jokes and take pleasure in his romantic pursuits while joining in the festivities.

Word to the Wise. Check out https://www.stpatricksfestival.ie/index.php/events. There are many events to enjoy. Some shindigs attract kids, some families, some older couples, and some singles…so choose what interests both you and eligible Irishmen.”

In my book, I give websites, phone numbers and addresses for most hot spots. This information can change so it’s a good idea to double check before you head out. For example, in the past St. Patrick’s activities lasted six days. This year, it’s a five-day extravaganza.

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March 8, 2011


With study abroad programs abounding, here’s a helpful Amazon review of my book: “As a college student that spent a year abroad in Ireland, I wish I would have had The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men. I read this book after returning from Europe and I cannot wait to go back! The book is full of great places to socialize, explore and experience European culture. This is the perfect gift for anyone planning a trip to Europe and especially great for college students. Cahoon offers sensible advice to travelers on how to stay safe but enjoy every moment!

This girl obviously knows the art of multitasking…you can do well in your classes while meeting the men. On just one date with a native guy you can became more proficient in a foreign language than with a week of classes, and learn the culture firsthand. When it comes to study abroad, you can have your cake and eat it too:) 


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