May 15, 2014

Today is all about saving money when traveling without forgoing favorite perks.

But before we jump into that, I want to give a shout-out to the blogger from The Concrete Cottage. Jeannine is a nurse, mom, and creative, resourceful lady. When she found this discarded suitcase it was all beaten up and covered in duck tape. She cleaned and painted it, and gave the castoff a stylish renovation. Since today is Travel Thursday and this week we’re discussing secrets to saving money, I couldn’t resist featuring her.


Okay travelers, here are three bottom line-benefitting tips.

Check It Out. Before booking a flight, I always surf the web to see who has the best offers…including sites like Expedia and Orbitz. Then I book my flight directly through the airline. That way if they make a change after I’ve arrived at the airport, I can get a new flight directly with the airline instead of being required to go through a booking company.

Roll and Save. If you take along a rolling bag that can fit in the overhead compartment, many airlines will let you check it at the gate for free. Then you will bypass paying the baggage bill and won’t have to deal with it on the plane.

Direct to the Manager on Duty. When booking a hotel room, bypass the 800 toll-free number… It takes you to a clearinghouse that lets you reserve a room from a backlog for a nonnegotiable price. Instead, call the hotel directly and speak with the manager on duty. That person will know the up-to-the-minute status on rooms and may be able to barter on price. If, for example, there is a convention that just cancelled and the hotel is eager to fill vacancies, you could be in for a great room at a greatly-reduced cost. Don’t be shy when asking about discounts.

Safe travels!

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…in your own closet! Sometimes a girl wants a new look, but her budget doesn’t call for a shopping spree. Old pieces can feel fresh if you give them a creative recombination.

Fashion A

I took a jeans jacket that I’ve owned for a decade…okay, not quite, but it feels that way…and paired it with one of my prime going-out-dancing pinched tops.

Fashion B

Then I pulled out a necklace and bracelet that had finished off a fancy formal dress. Good memories. My date to that one was A+!!

Fashion C

I mixed in a skirt from the depths of my closet that once went with an adorable top… I’d trotted it out so many times that it had turned to tatters.

Fashion D

After a trip to an arts and crafts store, I spiced up the skirt by gluing on blue crystals. Now I have a new outfit that I love without bending my bank account!

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May 12, 2014

Julep Beauty is a nouveau nail polish, skin care and makeup company moving like a bullet train. Last year alone, this seven-year-old introduced more than 300 new products, all catering to customer requests.


I got to know Jane Park, the Julep mastermind, at a Nordstrom event. She chose this Zelda polish for me, explaining that it went with my coloring. So ladies, if you have any golden tones in your hair or eyes, this is your go-to nail hue. The expert has spoken.


You know all about fast fashion. Well, Julep is fast beauty. It can move in and out of trends more swiftly than Spider-Man can move in and out of a city street. Jane has an uncanny talent for using software and social networking to learn what women want and why…and delivering it!


Plus, Julep’s products are eco-friendly and economical. After yesterday’s post, I received requests to write more on saving with style, so that’s this week’s theme and Julep fits it perfectly. For $19.99/month you can receive a bargain box of custom-selected nail colors and makeup. And if you attend a Julep event, you could even receive a gift, like this one:


Before I left her, Jane confided that her eight-year-old wants to be a “Funner” when she grows up. That’s someone who has fun all the time. I wonder where she got that quality. Her mom, of course!


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Thoughtful, fun, interesting… Those are date must-haves. But guys, a girl who solely bases your relationship potential on her x-ray of your bank account isn’t someone worth taking out. Meeting Men Monday is usually Women’s World. But I’ve been receiving emails from men lately expressing how inadequate they feel in the courtship competition when they don’t have the funds to take a lady on lavish dates. Not true!!

This is not to say that if a guy can shower a girl with gifts, she’ll object. In fact, she could be elated. But many quality women are far more concerned that a man shows her he cares than that he shows her a surplus of dollar signs. Here’s a story to back this up.


I have a very appealing friend who called off her engagement to a millionaire for a relationship with a struggling grad student. He was working his way through school. Almost every penny he earned was accounted for. He couldn’t afford to take her to a nice restaurant for their first date, and wouldn’t settle for sharing an order of Chicken McNuggets, so he made a romantic dinner at home. His tiny apartment was sparse. A card table and folding chairs doubled as a dining set, so he bought a tablecloth and candles at the thrift store, and got a bargain on roses that the local market was about to throw out. He sprinkled rose pedals from the door to the “dining room” and made her the best Mac & Cheese she had ever tasted. Six years later, the couple is happily married and every day he continues to show her how much he cares.

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Strolling through a slough last Monday only increased my desire to go back. I don’t know what it is about me, but lately whenever I go for a walk it starts to rain…and then it starts to pour. Fortunately, I was already wearing my Hunter boots.

Nature A

This time I got soaked – as you can probably see from my hair – but I wasn’t about to retreat. You’ve all heard of Singing in the Rain. Well, I was Dancing in the Rain. The pics were taken after I got drenched.

Nature B

These charming remains were once a greenhouse. The man who built it grew rare plants and created a nursery in the slough. That was about a century ago. There was no chance that I would run into him, but just in case he might have been looking down on me, I was extra careful not to smash any flora while exploring and dancing;)

Nature C

Life is so jam-packed with meetings, deadlines, trips, parties, dinners, workout classes, and everything else scheduled down to the last minutia.

Nature D

They are all terrific, but sometimes I think it’s important to go out into nature without a watch and just absorb what Earth has to offer…without peeking at your phone to check the time:)

Nature E

My slough excursion outfit this go-around consisted of a Vince dip dye cashmere sweater in colors that remind me of white clouds in a blue sky, Free People denim shorts (similar), and pink Hunter boots.

Hope you all have a terrific weekend and “schedule” some relax time!

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A little less than two years ago, a fascinating girl named Cristin contacted me saying that she had read my book, The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men, and it inspired her to travel. We became insta-friends as she embarked on a journey that took her to about 32 countries and enticed her to live for awhile in five. With her charismatic personality and infectious smile it’s no wonder that she bonded with people everywhere she went…instantly blending in with the locals, joining the party scene and soaking up the culture. We’ve chatted via Skype, so I can attest that her smile is 100% infectious.

I made this picture page of the two of us communing from across the sea. Here, Cristin is cruising through Cambodia, and I’m working in Toronto, Ontario Canada. As you can see, throughout all the adventures that life has brought us these past few years, we’ve stayed in touch. Never mind the fact that we’ve never met in person. We didn’t let a little thing like geographical distance destroy a friendship. Hopefully, one day our paths will cross!

Real Gypsy

Cristin gave me permission to let you all in on her story…and, wow, has this girl had the escapades! An entire movie could be made about her, but since I can’t write an epistle now, I’ll give you some high points.

Her travelitis…the only enviable itis…began when she took a temporary job in Spain. She cleared out her closet, got rid of everything that wasn’t a must-have, and downsized to one big suitcase, one small one, and a backpack. With a collapsible hula-hoop, she was set to exercise anywhere she chose to land.

Since that day, Cristin has only worked long enough in any area that she called home to save enough money to travel somewhere else. After that, whenever her diñero ran low, no problem. Cristin speaks English, Spanish, French and some Finnish, so with the added benefit of her personality she has always managed to land a job just about anywhere in a snap. Then when her funds were replenished and the travel bug again bit, she would scan the famous Couch Surfing site, choose a destination, get a feel for the local flavor, and jet off to her new home. If after she arrived the surroundings didn’t feel right she high-tailed it out of there without hesitation. To Cristin, safety and satisfaction are about following your gut.

Through her adventures, this explorer has made myriads of friends and absorbed the best of their qualities to become the very best version of herself. Right now, she’s living in a tiny apartment in Paris where she’s working, but as she explained, “I may be living in a closet, but I’m completely happy.” For the present, she has no desire to put down roots anywhere. She loves being on the go.

There is more to Cristin than I can possibly relate in one blog post, so I’m planning on further filling you in later. If you want to keep up with her exciting life, check out her blog!

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May 7, 2014

As Mother’s Day approaches, I want to honor all moms, but especially mine.

Mom A

She isn’t just SuperMom, in my mind she’s SuperWoman! In an age when there weren’t many women attorneys, she became a trial lawyer and blazed the trail for other strong, powerful women. She was the lead trial counsel for Fortune 500 companies with complex cases and for MGM when Cary Grant was chairman of the board. She went up against the Mafia and represented prisoners on Death Row. And she prevailed every time!

Mom B

This picture was taken of my mom for an article in Los Angeles magazine when she was about my age. While growing up, I always knew that she had important work to do, but she always made me feel like I was her most important case. I hope that one day I can be a thousandth as terrific of a mother as she is.

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Blake doesn’t have to be the only bohemian bombshell. You can be one too! In this short video, I teamed up with Janelle Irvine, Braid Goddess and hair stylist at Mollie Michelle salon, to show you how.

The products Janelle used to create this style were all from Kérastase. This is the main line used in Mollie Michelle, because it is excellent for both the condition and manageability of hair.

Kérastase A

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For this Ann Taylor photo shoot, I took a rainy stroll along a slough with my dad, who manned the camera. Since sloughs are Earth’s supermarkets, we turned off our phones and absorbed the scenery. There’s something so classic about communing with nature where the only sounds are the breeze blowing through the leaves and the rustling of animals.


And while we’re on the subject of classic…that word sums up Ann Taylor’s style.


Pair one of her blouses with white pants and you’re ready to enjoy spring even in a drizzle—which I didn’t mind in the least. After all, I’m a native Seattleite!


My favorite aspect of this outfit is the top’s intricate detailing.


It’s no wonder that Kate Hudson is the face of Ann Taylor. She shines with sophistication while registering high on the fun barometer. That’s a rare combination!

Ann Taylor Kate Hudson

Today is Monday, and we all know what that means: a Meeting Men theme. So I couldn’t sign off without divulging Kate’s relationship tips. In a recent SELF magazine article, she credited her parents with having the love formula that has lasted for “thirtysomething years.” As she explained, “No matter what they’ve been through, they share similar values and really like each other.” She added that although this may sound simple, it’s not. Good relationships take work, but the results are worth it.

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That would be me! As soon as the spring sun peeped out, I was ready to unveil vibrant colors so I made a trip to GUESS.


This awesome pink eyelet top is sass galore with a feminine flair.


It pops when paired with a dark-navy jean.


And who could pass up this bag? It’s large enough to hide all sorts of secrets yet not so big that it swamps you.

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May 1, 2014

Some of the most fashion forward ladies will flock to Kentucky this weekend for the Derby. This isn’t just “the most exciting two minutes in sports,” it’s one of the most famously social weekends on the calendar. Festivities begin today, May 1st, and the black tie events commence tomorrow evening. Just to give you a sample, there’s Barnstable Brown Gala, a “star-studded spectacular,” and Unbridled Eve, “a night of Southern grace, glamour, charm and hospitality.”

Kentucky Derby

And when it comes to Saturday’s race, the horses aren’t the only creatures to watch. Women and their fashions will win much of the attention.


After all, this is a dress-up event. Tennis shoes are prohibited and fancy hats are de rigueur.


From years of going on hat hunts, I have found that one of my favorite decorative brands is Louise Green. All of these pics were taken in her masterpieces.


They make a fashion statement while protecting your face from the sun. Plus they’re lightweight and breathable. So if you can’t traipse off to the Derby, trot them out to a luncheon or garden wedding…just try not to upstage the bride!

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April 30, 2014

Last weekend, I was honored to meet Pierre Dulaine, four-time ballroom dancing world champion. Pierre’s passion is creating “Dancing Classrooms” in public schools, where troubled youth learn to overcome hostility and insecurity through dance. This was the theme of the film, Take the Lead, with Antonio Banderas portraying Pierre.

Take the Lead

Together with Pierre, I attended the Northwest premiere of another film about him, Dancing in Jaffa. This is a documentary showing Pierre fulfill his dream of returning to his birthplace – a hotbed of hostility in a Tel Aviv town – and bringing together adversaries, Palestinian Israelis and Jews, by teaching those children to dance together.

Pierre Dulaine

As Pierre explained, “What I’m asking them to do is dance with the enemy.” At first, many of the children refused. Pierre, who is 70, was on the verge of quitting when he showed his young charges a film clip of him dancing with his career-long partner, Yvonne Marceau, when they were in their prime. Then Yvonne flew to Jaffa to help. That was the turning point. When the children saw the unconditional love Pierre and Yvonne had for them, they were willing to do what their instructor asked. As they did their love for dance grew, their hostility melted away, and they began to care for one another.

Dancing in Jaffa

When one of Pierre’s young students began the program, she was grieving for her deceased father, and so full of hostility that she did not have friends and no one dared to dance with her. Again, Yvonne came to the rescue. She offered to be the girl’s partner and practiced with her privately. Then her tough exterior came crashing down, and her self-esteem and popularity blossomed.

Pierre and Yvonne

As her fifth-grade teacher explained, “She was like a closed flower. Through dance, she’s opening to the sun.”

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April 29, 2014

Last Thursday, I took a trip down Memory Lane and relived winning the Royal Reel Award…but I left out the Beauty SOS that made a big difference. I entered the festivities exhausted from work, and facing a frantic schedule that I wanted to be fun.


The night before it began, I checked into my hotel and checked out the dark circles under my eyes. The bellman told me about a 24-hour mini-mart nearby and suggested that I pick up some yogurt, honey and cucumbers. From traveling a lot, I’ve found that those night bellmen know all sorts of secrets you’d never suspect.


Here was his surprising suggestion for using these items: Mix one tablespoon of honey with one tablespoon of yogurt. Put the concoction in the freezer for five minutes and smear it on your face. Cut up the cucumbers, and place them on your eyelids. Rest for 20 minutes and shower.


I was skeptical, but lacked the energy to argue. When I got out of the shower, the dark circles were gone, and my skin looked like it did when I was 15!


The next morning, I made a healthy breakfast out of the remaining yogurt. Later I snacked on the leftover cucumber, and it gave me just about all the recommended daily vitamins. The food and facial together only cost about five dollars…one of the best bargains ever!

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I’m referring to my dare devil brother. Sisters have certain bragging rights, so here I go… Clay is one of the best rock climbers, doing vertical nerve-numbing routes, testing climbing and skiing equipment for manufacturers, doing rigging for shows, and being showcased in premiere climbing magazines!

Clay Cahoon A

Last year he was on the cover of this issue. Yes, that’s my brother in the vertigo-inducing stunt!

Clay Cahoon B

Since today is Meeting Men Monday and he is happily married, I’m letting you in on his relationship tips. Clay and his wife share a passion for climbing. Whenever life gets rough, they commune on the rocks, their relationship grows stronger, and the world looks better.

Clay Cahoon C

So Clay believes that for a thriving relationship, you must have similar interests, as well as the standard requirements of being totally attracted, possessing shared values, and treating each other with respect.

Clay D


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April 25, 2014

This 1. STATE jacket has been flying off the shelves. I chose fireworks as the background to these pics in celebration of the company’s grand opening.


This jacket creates a versatile look. For warmer weather, just unzip the sleeves.


I paired mine with 1. STATE’s contrasting long cotton top and pleated shorts. Each of these items is so versatile that they can be mixed with other pieces to create a variety of spring ensembles.


With 1. STATE, you are always on the cusp of cutting-edge fashion. The line launched exclusively at Nordstrom for spring, and will expand to other retailers this fall.


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