Who Wants to Dance?
Come Saturday – National Dance Day – I hope that answer is “Everyone!” Right now, I’m cloistered in my room with my computer (well, honestly, and some ice cream) editing a video to post tomorrow. Here are some screenshots from it. I have combined a variety of people enjoying dance ranging from my little cousins, to me trying aerial silks for the first time, and my grandma’s hospice friends. The lady I’m pushing in the wheelchair suffered a stroke just the day before and could only move her arms, but she wanted to join the dancing conga line! What a great attitude!! That’s the whole point of this holiday…to find joy through dance no matter what your circumstance.
In the meantime, I want you to meet Janice Daoud, the globetrotting member of NARS’ glam squad. She’s the perfect person to feature on Beauty Trend Tuesday. Janice makes up mega stars like Kim Kardashian and models for those fashion week shows.
Today, I’m revealing her product recommendations for having a fresh complexion while dancing…whether you’re performing onstage under hot lights or hitting the clubs with friends. She says that NARS’ Pro Prime and Radiant Cream Compact Foundation are musts. The primer helps the foundation go on smoothly, and the breathable, lightweight foundation gives you what Janice calls the “no makeup, makeup look.”
Now it’s time to dance!