
Revenge of the Nerdettes!

June 16, 2012

Filming for my music video is officially underway. Here are pictures from the beginning scenes. My girlfriends and I portray insecure nerds landing in Europe. At this point in the storyline, my leading man doesn’t even know I exist─but never fear, revenge is on the way! We find a copy of The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men. It injects us with a seriously needed dose of self-confidence and man-attracting tips. One of the crew members said the bumbling nerd role came easy to me, and joked that maybe the storyline was autobiographical. Was he right?! You decide;)


Chatting with Rob, my leading man, before I got nerdified for filming.

Filming for my music video is officially underway. Here are pictures from the beginning scenes. My girlfriends and I portray insecure nerds landing in Europe. At this point in the storyline, my leading man doesn’t even know I exist─but never fear, revenge is on the way! We find a copy of The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men. It injects us with a seriously needed dose of self-confidence and man-attracting tips. One of the crew members said the bumbling nerd role came easy to me, and joked that maybe the storyline was autobiographical. Was he right?! You decide;)

In one of the takes, I accidentally dropped my suitcase down the stairs as I admired Rob, aka “Mr. Handsome.” Everyone thought it was funny, so I added it to the storyboard. That’s how I was crowned “Bumbling Nerd.”


Katie is the “Hilarious Nerd.” I can’t wait for you to see the funny faces she makes in the video. Too bad you can’t hear her comments during practice and filming. She could be a stand-up comic! Denise is the “Feisty Nerd.” She’s a lovable spitfire both in real life and in the video!

Ryan, our Director of Photography, prepping the scene where Rob ignores me. Since Denise, Katie, and I aren’t actors, during this scene, Denise commented that it wasn’t fair how we had to do what she called “serious acting” while Rob just had to sit there and look pretty. Katie joked, “If we looked like Rob all we’d ever have to do is sit there and look pretty!”


We find the book! There’s one of Katie’s awesome expressions.


We transform into confident girls…about time!

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