I realize that it’s Travel Thursday, but I just finished editing my dance tutorial for Little Mix’s first live performance of Black Magic, and I wanted to post it. You don’t have to cast a spell to be able to dance like them. Here’s how…

And if you’d like to see a step-by-step tutorial for the makeup they wore on stage… https://katherinechloecahoon.com/makeup-magic-with-little-mix/

Now you’re ready to go out and make a little black magic yourself.

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June 17, 2015

Today, I woke up wishing I could run out to Waikiki beach, lounge on the sand, swim out to the coral reef, and then stroll around the town. In reality, I have a stack of work staring me down that has become so large I have to turn it into multiple stacks before it topples over. Since I can’t hop a plane back to Hawaii, I figure the second best thing is to reminisce about my time there.

Hawaii A

And who says that even during a workweek with a mountain of deadlines, a girl can’t slip in a fruity drink?

Hawaii B

I’m a firm believer in finding time for fun even when I’m crazy busy…and I hope you all are too.

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Here you can learn how to get Little Mix’s makeup from their Summertime Ball Black Magic performance. With this look you’re sure to light up any party!

If you’d like to see my in-depth cat-eye makeup tutorial, go to…  https://katherinechloecahoon.com/master-the-cat-eye/

Little Mix Makeup Tutorial

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“Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


You never know who you will fall in love with, but you will know when you are in love. It’s when you miss someone the second after a date ends, when you count down the hours until you can see him next, and when you heart won’t stop hammering out of your chest when you are with him. Just because you don’t notice someone from across the room at first glance, doesn’t mean you won’t discover something magical about him that will make you fall so madly in love you’ll wonder what took you so long.

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This is the last day of my country-theme week, and I couldn’t think of a better way to end than with fringe fashion. It’s very in this season. How much fringe you flaunt depends on whether you want to go for a subtle country style, or all out.

Country A

I was obviously a total country girl with this ensemble. My fringed wrap was purchased for a costume party at an authentic country-and-western store.

Country B

Pair it with a button-up blouse and jeans, and you are ready for any hoedown…and I might add, any cowboy:)

Country C

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June 11, 2015

Throwback Thursday to my Vanderbilt time when going country was a daily occurrence. With the CMA Music Festival running today, June 11th, through the 14th, about 80,000 people are converging on my old stomping ground.

Nashville A

According to Billboard magazine, country music is America’s most popular genre. And the country vibe is everywhere in Nashville. So regardless of whether you are in this city now for the festival or you’re planning a trip later, I’m sharing a few of my favorite hot spots, starting with the Wildhorse Saloon. I saw Big & Rich perform there. We were so close that we could have given them high fives.

Nashville B

The above picture was taken my sophomore year while line-dancing at this famous country haunt. As you can see, everyone line-dances there, and teachers demonstrate steps that are easy to follow. The Wildhorse is considered touristy, which is why most Vanderbilt students reserve it for out-of-town guests. But it is always a night to remember.

Nashville is dotted with fun bars and nightclubs, most of which are known for their live music.

Nashville C

Everyone talks about the Grand Ole Opry, but personally I think they should be talking about Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge. It’s a tiny bar where esteemed country artists and up-and-coming singers try out their new repertoires. You can’t go wrong with an intimate setting featuring top talent.

Nashville D

If you live in Nashville, you’ve probably heard of Chris Winward, who is performing on Tootsie’s stage in the photo above. He is like a local celebrity. I didn’t realize that when I met him at a party. One night he asked me to go out with him. I already had plans to meet some friends downtown, so I invited him to join us. He did, but he was a bit reluctant. I soon found out why.

Nashville E

At every place we entered, the host announced, “Chris Winward in the house.” Then Chris was asked to give an impromptu performance and handed a guitar. This was followed by lots of girls – and I mean LOTS – throwing pieces of paper with their phone numbers at his feet. I quickly realized why he had been a little hesitant to dare a night out on the town!

Nashville F

That’s what you can experience in Nashville! Every time I went out, I fell in love with the city again.

Nashville G


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It’s been awhile since I’ve done a comedy sketch, or returned to the country roots I put down while in Nashville. It just so happens that this week I received a request to do a Meeting European Men skit, and country music aficionados are holding their big music festival. So I’m combining the two by doing a Euro men sketch comedy in a Honky-Tonk!

As usual, the entire cast were my friends. None of them are actors, but when I described my concept and gave them their roles, they dove in. They did such a great job that I laughed so much while editing the footage I could hardly get it done. Thank you to everyone, and a special thanks to my childhood friend, Brett Smith, for filming.

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My country-themed week continues, and today I’m showing how to get Miranda’s hair in Little Red Wagon. Big thanks to Mollie from Mollie Michelle Boutique for helping me make this Insta vid.


When you watch, you’ll see that with each section of hair, Mollie first clamps the curling iron around it at the base of the head and pulls it to the end. The reason for this is to smooth the strand. After that, in order to avoid clamp marks, she curls the hair around the barrel without clamping it in. Mollie used a 1&1/4’’ barrel. One that is too small will makes curls rather than subtle waves.

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June 8, 2015

With the CMA Music Festival kicking off a summer full of fests, I’m everything country this week on my blog. Today is all about the sassy Miranda Lambert. If you think you can ride in her little red wagon, think again. And if you’re a Miranda fan, like me, then you know exactly what song I’m referring to. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen her on this week’s CMA lineup, but she’s performing all over the map. So today’s fashion post is heralding that country babe.

Country Love A

After watching Miranda’s music video for Little Red Wagon, I snooped around and discovered that styles similar to hers are in stores everywhere. Just pair denim shorts with boots and a top, and you are right in step with Miranda. I’m wearing a Polo Ralph Lauren blouse atop Rag & Bone frayed shorts.

Country Love B

And, of course, I couldn’t emulate Miranda’s fashion without wearing her red glasses. Nordstrom is bursting with them right now.

Country Love C

Since this is Meeting Men Monday, I’m sharing Miranda’s relationship insights. About her husband, Blake Shelton, she recalls, “We had instant chemistry.” It didn’t hurt that she’s not afraid to be herself. Blake found that appealing, and so did the entire world. As Miranda observed, “Being yourself, being original, being outside the box is starting to be appealing to people.”

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I had fun with my editing program overlaying images of blue sky, clouds, and palm trees for today’s theme of fashion, foliage, and sass. Something about the weather warming up always entices a girl to head out in shorts and a carefree top.

Fashion A

This blouse by ASTR is what I call Stealth Sass. Sections of it are sheer, but they’re a second read. That is typical ASTR, their designs let you be sassy without giving off the vive of an aggressive seductress.

Fashion B

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…is not for the faint-of-crowds—at least, not in the summer of 2015. Since the dollar is about 25% stronger than the euro, U.S. travelers are expected to flock to Europe throughout the coming months. In fact, the onslaught is suspected to be so large that some museums and landmarks are putting a nix on selfie sticks, hiring crowd-control specialists, and limiting viewing time for famous exhibits.


So the bottom line–and I’m not just talking about cost–is that if you want to have a relaxing vacay there, this summer maybe isn’t the optimum time. If you have a choice, early fall will be less crowded and the weather should still be wonderful.

Europe B

That being said, if you’re a student planning to study abroad this summer stick with your plans. There is something special about absorbing a new culture for an extended period. And sometimes the only way to fit in that experience with other school activities is in the summer. Since I cheered for Vanderbilt during the regular school year that was the option I chose. There is a difference between making a quick visit to a city and making it your summer home. When you live in a place you can make friends with locals and learn where to go and when… and you can discover priceless attractions that aren’t in the standard guidebooks. That’s how I happened to write The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men.

Europe C

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We’ve all fallen in love with this romantic song by Ed Sheeran, and the dance that he and Brittany did in his music video to Nappytabs’ choreography. It’s hard to imagine that Ed had never danced before—he was a show-stopping heartthrob! Now you can learn the same routine. Ballroom instructor, Pablo Orejuela, teamed up with me to break down some of the steps.

I am so grateful for his help. Part of Ed’s dance is rumba-based, and Pablo is a rumba expert. I’ve never rumbaed before, so if I can do it you can too!

What impressed me most about Pablo was his generosity. He explained, “Many people can’t afford dance lessons. They’re expensive. I want everyone to be able to learn.”

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Most of us have one. A friend of mine is so strong that she could play a superhero. She has entered triathlons and hiked Kilimanjaro, but she still harbors a girly pleasure. Hers is hair and, believe me, she’s got gorgeous locks. My indulgence is nails.

Girly Indulgence

I’m a devotee of Julie, the Polish Queen. She’s on top of every nail trend, so I can assure you that the diagonal two-toned design she just painted on me continues to be in vogue. Since everyone has a favorite polish brand, for this tutorial, I’m calling out colors instead of citing products.

Girly Indulgence B

Start your two-toned design by drenching your nails in your favorite late spring shade. I chose pink. How bright you go depends on how much you want your hands to take center stage. Then paint a diagonal stripe in the same hue across the top of each nail, making sure to fill in the corners. I chose lavender with a touch of iridescence to add interest and depth.

Girly Indulgence C

Finish with a clear topcoat, as always, to protect your color and make your mani last longer.

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June 1, 2015

Happy Monday, everyone! Although we’re back at work, my mind is still on the weekend. In Waikiki, weekends are filled with festivities, weddings, and fireworks. Sometimes the fireworks are related to an event, and sometimes they’re just because…. Well, it’s the weekend and why not have fun?! I filmed a few for you on my phone.


One of the wedding celebrations was especially enchanting because everyone was having such a terrific time. From the little kids who could barely walk to the elderly guests experiencing some of the same difficulties, everyone danced—including the bride. She didn’t seem to care that her long, elegant gown might not have been exactly suited to getting down. She picked up the hem and rocked out with the rest. Seeing this made me realize what matters most at a wedding bash. I’ve heard too many brides say their weddings were stressful as they endeavored to make everything perfect. When everyone has fun, it is perfect.

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Okay, not really! But if you can’t get poolside with the designer in person, the second best option is to wear one of her creations. I love this bathing suit of hers.

Fashion Friday A

Sometimes, I find that the most flattering suits feel like armor. They suck me in here, push me up there, and pretty soon, I realize that in one of those contraptions, instead of relaxing on my lounge chair, I’d be squirming around uncomfortably. But this suit of Jessica’s is comfy-plus and cute.

Fashion Friday B

And with this Calvin Klein sarong, I have a cover-up that can be thrown on in a second.

Fashion Friday

Waikiki is one of my favorite beaches. It has itinerant vendors selling fun drinks and leis, lots of happy people, and a safe swimming zone boarded by a coral reef. Then there are all the daring travelers attempting stand-up yoga in the lagoon. What I love about the vibe of this place is that it doesn’t matter whether people spend more time falling off of their boards and climbing back on than doing yoga. Everyone always has a smile.

Fashion Friday D

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