
MAC Cat Eye Makeup Tip

November 11, 2014

I have come a long ways in the art of the cat eye since Fatima, the acclaimed MAC celebrity stylist, taught me how. If you missed her fabulous advice, here’s a step-by-step tutorial with product links.

When I first met Fatima, my cat-eye skills were nonexistent…and it wasn’t for lack of effort. I was forever applying eyeliner and taking it off. One eye would always end up smudged, resembling a cat who had gotten a bit too feisty:) But thanks to Fatima and practice, I’ve honed my cat-eye regimen. The entire look now takes only five minutes with no touchups.

Cat Eye A

Generally, I like to do a subtle cat eye, but you can easily make this look more dramatic by extending the line, playing with thickness, and intensifying your eye shadow.

Cat Eye B

When applying the upper eyeliner (the part without the cat-eye wing) I find it easier to start from the inner eye and move outward while increasing thickness. I hardly even touch my brush to my inner eye, making the beginning strokes very thin. If I don’t, I find that the outer eye becomes so thick I end up with a raccoon effect…the opposite of the alluring cat eye I was going for.

With the holiday social swirl ahead, you should have lots of opportunities to use this tip.

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