
Comedic Travel Host Video – Fiesta Barcelona-Style!

June 22, 2011

If you’re visiting Barcelona now, you won’t want to miss the beach party at The Festival of San Juan, which lasts from sunset on June 23rd to sunrise on the 24th…that is unless you’re not a fan of firecrackers, dancing, and huge, happy crowds. If that’s the case order in dinner and snuggle up with a good book, because the whole city will be ablaze!

This was the second Elle Woods-esque travel host video that I posted. It’s fun and gives some inside info on the fest. Even though many visitors think of this event as just a crazy romp, there is meaning behind it. This night signifies renewal. Thus, the festival features a variety of ceremonial activities, including dipping in the sea to signify making a fresh start. Some have begun a new tradition that I witnessed. They told me that if you write three wishes on three separate pieces of paper and burn them in a festival bonfire, they will come true before the next Summer Solstice. So get your wishes ready and hit the beach for major fiesta-ing! In my book, I give more details on the event.

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