DIY Photoshoot
If you’re not on Snapchat, you may not be familiar with my photo-taking shenanigans (katherinechloe). I’m definitely not one of those bloggers supported by a professional, four-person team. It’s often just me, my camera, and a tripod. You snapchatters have witnessed my whole juggling act of setting up my equipment, dashing in front of my camera just as the automatic timer goes off, and then snap-chatting while racing back to my car, hoping to make it before the time expires on my parking meter!
So that’s one of the reasons why I especially love the times when my friend, Kylee, takes the pictures, like today. The other reason is that we always have a ton of fun…chatting about our love lives, the week’s highpoints and mishaps, and laughing. I don’t know why it is, but whenever we embark on a shooting spree, someone seems to be hosting an event at our venue, and that makes the whole process even more enjoyable.
Dress by Milly.