Crestfallen Over Crumbs
Crumbs Bake Shop abruptly closed all its stores last Monday, July 7, and I’m in mourning. I’ve had an intense love for those cupcakes ever since I began traveling to LA for work. The over-sized treats were pure paradise. Never mind the fact that just one could top a whopping 600 calories. If that number had been doubled, I still would have lined up for it with rapt anticipation. Here’s a picture of a Crumbs-size cupcake versus a regular one.
The cupcake craze – sparked by the TV series “Sex and the City” – is waning, but I will always be a fan. I even featured Crumbs and its rival, Sprinkles, in the following comedic video. It’s about my so-called “glamorous” Hollywood life. You’ll find out fast that it’s far from glamorous:)
At the end of every LA trip, I’ve headed to Little Santa Monica for a Crumbs cupcake before leaving town. What am I going to do for a tasty replacement when I return to LA? If any of you have a favorite dessert, I’d love to hear about it.