Time to Meet Another Man
Last week, a girl stopped me and said, “Hey, you’re the one who has that blog with the awesome guys.” No pressure on me to keep finding those “awesome” ones! Well, I think you’ll enjoy today’s pick. Cam works in sales, is passionate about surfing, models on the side, and is a huge hit on the runway. But what means the most to me is that he comes across as genuine. Here are his dating insights…
Chase the Girl. Cam isn’t afraid to go after a girl he likes. He told me, “Dating is like surfing in the fact that when you find the right woman, you instinctively know how to catch her.” Oh Cam, we all already love you!
It’s in the Eyes. Cam agrees on this principle with Chris, the actor I told you about two weeks ago. As this salesman sees it, eyes say everything you need to know about people—whether they’re happy, upset, or care about someone else. So in life and in dating, remember, you don’t always have to verbalize your thoughts to reveal your feelings.
Flirtatious First. Being flirtatious is one of the oldest tricks of attraction, and Cam thinks it’s one of the best. He doesn’t want the coquettish energy to be overdone though. So what’s the right amount in Cam’s mind? “Be a tad bit flirtatious.”
You’ll be seeing more of Cam tomorrow. And when I say more, I mean that literally:)