Three Outfits in One
In keeping with this week’s bargain theme, an ultimate wardrobe money-saver and travel tip is to collect pieces that can be worn different ways to create many looks. I took a pair of 7 for All Mankind jeans on a trip together with a basic top and tailored jacket (similar). Then I used this as my base to create three looks for three different events.
One night, I added a green beaded sarong that I had picked up in Cabo and headed out to a dinner party at a sleek Asian restaurant.
Another night, I threw on a purple wrap that I found ages ago at a store with authentic Egyptian items.
And when it was time to go dancing, I left my jacket at the hotel and put on a shimmery shawl that I had found on a trip to London.
I’ve had those black 7’s jeans for about five years and they’re still holding up. When I bought them, the price tag didn’t say Bargain Basement, but it also didn’t say Luxury Lane. I’ve definitely got my money’s worth out of them. That being said, if 7’s are out of your budget, I found similar ones by DKNY on sale at Macy’s for under $50.