
Surf’s SUP!

May 25, 2011

Last week, I took a break from film meetings and book events to learn stand-up paddle surfing, or SUP. If you haven’t heard of SUP, it’s a hot new sport that combines aerobic and strength training, and has taken off around the world. You can do this type of surfing anyplace with water—no wave is needed. I’ve even seen people SUP in a lagoon and on yoga boards…so you can find your center of balance while soaking up the sun!

Surf’s SUP

Dave taught me SUP. He is excellent! I didn’t know it when I met him on the beach while watching Hawaii’s Battle of the Paddle, but he works for Naish International, one of the world’s premiere developers of boarding technology. Dave has even appeared in surfing magazines and videos.

Surf’s SUP

Entering the big ocean… I wore my Indian Princess bathing suit with fake buckskin fringe because I had visions of padding off to an exotic island!

Surf’s SUP

On my first try, I lasted 30 seconds max before falling. But it sure was a FUN 30 seconds!

Surf’s SUP

I’m standing AND paddling!!! Now where is that exotic island???

Surf’s SUP

So I’m planning on competing next year in Battle of the Paddle…just kidding!

You may be wondering how this ties into The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men. Well, if you’re planning a trip to Europe, you can learn this trendy sport there. I just heard of an Ibiza resort that offers a seven-night SUP package including breakfast. 

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