Surefire Dating Advice From My 88-Year-Old Grandma
In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m sharing my grandma’s timeless dating secrets. She advises, “Some girls date guys who are good friends and who they work well with. Those qualities are really important, but if there’s no romantic spark, forget it. A girl should be so excited for that special someone to pick her up on a date that her stomach is dancing with butterflies.”
Grandma’s quite a catch! When she was young she had dark brown hair and emerald green eyes that had men mesmerized. She met my grandpa while working at the Trianon Ballroom during World War II. Soldiers stopped in while on leave. They lined up to dance with her. She had so many admirers that she would only dance one song with each man. But when she met my grandpa that changed. She was so taken with him that they danced for three songs in a row! She said that romantic sparks never stopped flying between them from their first date until the day my grandpa died ten years ago. She can’t imagine remarrying because as she puts it, “Why, when I had Prince Charming?”