Super Bowl Showdown
If you’ve been in Seattle lately, you know that the people there think only two colors exist in the universe—blue and green. They’re showing off their Seahawks’ painted nails, streaked hair and jerseys. And if you think blue-and-green face paint is just for kids, think again. But today’s Travel Thursday isn’t focused on Seattle. I’m hopping over to Arizona and covering Super Bowl festivities, no matter what team you’re rooting for…although in my mind the correct answer is the one that starts with an S!Yesterday, January 28th marked the beginning of Super Bowl Central in downtown Phoenix. A dozen blocks are teaming with live concerts by local and national artists, along with appearances/autograph signings by NFL alums, ice skating, interactive exhibits and a climbing wall. National TV shows are broadcasting from the area and excitement is off the radar.
If you missed the three biggest Seahawks fans cheering on their team, here they are.