
Style Inspired by Shailene Woodley

April 7, 2015

After I saw this pic of Shailene wearing fashionable feathers at the London Insurgent premiere, I wanted to try the trend.

Hair Style Inspired by Shailene Woodley A

So I went to an arts-and-craft store, perused the feather section, and chose one. I didn’t want to out-and-out copy Shai, so I picked a green-based feather. Since I have long hair, I did a version of a French twist and placed the embellishment along the side.

Hair Style Inspired by Shailene Woodley B

In my ballet days, I got to the point where I could throw my hair in a twist in under two minutes. I adore this look, because it can pass as fancy-event appropriate, but it’s oh-so-easy. Here’s how to do it…

Hair Style Inspired by Shailene Woodley C

Smooth your hair back as if you’re going to pull it into a low ponytail. Starting at the nape, begin twisting that tail to the right as you continuously pull it straight upward. Keep twisting until you reach the top of your head. Insert about ten pins along the side to hold this in place.

Hair Style Inspired by Shailene Woodley D

Depending on how long your hair is, you will have some of the tail remaining. Everyone deals with this differently. I loop it back down into a half circle and pin the ends.

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