
Mad in Love with Steve Madden

January 24, 2014

I was entering Nordstrom when I heard an explosion of enthusiastic screams and applause coming from a slew of eager shoppers in the shoe department. The level of excitement was similar to what I saw Zac Efron receive at his Toronto Film Festival premiere. But Zac, with his steely blue eyes, wasn’t gracing the store. The adulation was all for Steve Madden, the cutting-edge designer. And the funny part of this situation was that the hype was misplaced. These girls poured on the applause for a shopper entering the store who they mistook for Steve—they didn’t know what he looked like, but they loved the look of his shoes. This scene played out four more times before SM himself appeared. By then, the admirers were hoarse from yelling, but every bit as eager to meet him.

Steve Madden

It’s no mystery why Steve Madden is ultra-popular. He’s constantly pushing out designs that customers crave, especially when it comes to shoes. As his company CEO Edward Rosenfeld explained, “Steve is the Rihanna of the shoe business. He’s just churning out hit after hit.” From talking with stoked fans, I can attest that some of their all-time favorites are his boots. And apparently humans aren’t the only ones attached to them;)

Steve Madden Boots

But Nordstrom’s Steve Madden event wasn’t only about shoes. There was music, dancing and gifts with the irresistible TV host, Julissa Bermudez, presenting.

Julissa Bermudez

Before reluctantly leaving this fun event, I received an array of take homes, including a SM shirt that the designer signed with the sentiment, “Be where your feet are.” I’ve posted a picture on Instagram of other giveaways you could receive if you’re able to attend one of his events.

Madden Shirt

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