
Shopping that Won’t Drain Your Bank Account

October 27, 2012

Shopping that Wont Drain Your Bank AccountRetail therapy gives any shopping lover a natural high, but when your credit card takes a hit and post-spree depression sets in, that’s never worth it. Like many, I love to shop. I travel a lot for work and always enjoy checking out trends in new places. For those of us prone to this indulgence, there’s no need to abstain. You can still enjoy the experience without empting your wallet. The key is to find places that are amazing merely by walking through the door. Here are three of my favorites in three countries:

Waikiki’s DFS Galleria (Oahu, Hawaii) I’ve spent most of the past six weeks living out of a suitcase. When I arrived in Oahu, I was all out of face cream so I went to the Galleria. I planned on just stopping in on the way to an evening out on the town—but the next thing I knew it was eleven PM, I was closing down the stores—and I hadn’t come close to abusing my bank account. The moment you walk inside the Galleria, you’re greeted by chic sets like the one in this picture…many of which are in motion with rotating light shows. The friendly sales experts provide complimentary giveaways, makeovers, candies and drinks while live music plays.

Harrods (Knightsbridge, London) I’ve heard people say that they can’t afford to shop at Harrods—but it’s not like there’s a cover charge, so step inside. Just looking at all of the beautifully displayed luxury merchandise feels like being inside a live special edition of a fashion magazine. I’ve treated myself to this retail eye-candy multiple times over weekends when I just wanted to relax. Harrods isn’t only about high-end clothes and accessories. Their chocolate department goes on for what seems like an eternity. The last time I was in London, I promised myself that I would only buy three individual chocolates from Harrods because they can be pricey. I had so much fun!

Shops in the Heart of Madrid (Calle de la Princesa) These shops were within walking distance of the home I lived in for two months during study abroad. They are known for having unique clothing items not just from Spain, but other European countries. They are also known for having incredible sales. I found merchandise discounted as much as 75%! But beware. Many of these are high quality items that could put a dent in your wallet if they weren’t on sale. I still wear my finds and girls often stop me asking where they can be purchased. With a name that means Princess Street, you know this shopping district is girl heaven.

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