Seattle Music Scene
In honor of last Sunday’s Seahawks win against the Packers, I’m chatting about a Seattle landmark on this Travel Thursday. My friend Betsy introduced me to this place, and to say I am in love with it would be an understatement. We had the ultimate girls’ night—shopping followed by dinner.
Then we headed over to Tractor Tavern in Ballard. It’s a little bar that features big local singers. Depending on the night, you can expect to hear incredible music echoing off the walls. The vibe is friendly with people in their twenties up to those in their sixties. Ticket prices are known to be very reasonable. Ours only cost $8 each.
And there is dancing, but it can take some daring souls to start it out. You know that was Bets and me:) The below pic was taken at the Tavern; however, those crazy colored lights aren’t part of the décor. My camera all of a sudden started acting wild. Do you think it was giving me a message that it’s time to be replaced?