Here’s a heartwarming story of a baby with a heart condition who was abandoned in China and the American family who adopted him. In this Day in the Life video, I work with every member of the family to create an investigative report.

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December 4, 2018

Anyone caught up in the joy of the season can appreciate this This Day in the Life video. I covered one of our community’s most popular holiday events! It was so well-attended that I could barely maneuver myself and my equipment through the crowd to capture the story.

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November 29, 2018

It’s true! Small towns always pull together during the holidays.

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Can you believe that I got to judge a major cooking contest and do a CBS story on it? That was definitely a delicious day!

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Reporting on Breaking News is always an adrenaline rush. Often, your heart is racing before you even arrive at the scene…because you never know what you will find there. In this video, I take you along while covering a large fire for CBS NewsChannel 5. I tell you exactly what it’s like to report on events that are changing moment-by-moment. Everything is out in the open, from the excitement to the sorrow.

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November 8, 2018

Thank you so much for your encouraging messages about my Day in the Life of an Anchor/Reporter video series. Here’s a look at what it’s like to anchor and report as the final midterm election votes are counted. I take you with me from the anchor desk to an elegant watch party peppered with impromptu live cut-ins!

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October 31, 2018

After taking you all along with me last week on a Day in the Life of a CBS News Reporter, I’ve received messages asking for more of these videos. So today, I’m showing you what it’s like to report Live on the news without a photographer. I’m sure you know that today is Halloween, but don’t think the holiday festivities will end at the stroke of midnight. As you’ll see from my Live shot, in Cheyenne it’s just beginning!

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October 24, 2018

Recently, the most requests I’ve received have been for Day in the Life videos…showing what it’s really like to be a TV-news reporter and anchor. If you’d like to see more of these types of videos, just let me know.

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After winning last year’s Dancing with the Stars of Cheyenne, I was thrilled to MC this year’s competition.

Hosting Dancing with the Stars of Cheyenne A

Hosting Dancing with the Stars of Cheyenne B

The event was spectacular from start to finish, complete with fire throwers, acrobats and, of course, dancers! Here’s a front-row look at the excitement.

This memorable evening is a major annual fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club of Cheyenne. I’ve seen first-hand how much this Club does for the kids in our community, from its academic programs to the award-winning art it encourages our boys and girls to create. For me, participating in DWTS 2017 and 2018 and getting to know those involved in this Club has been a privilege.

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June 21, 2018

Time for Tea - Katherine Chloe Cahoon-C

A girls’ weekend is always more fun with my mom. When she came to visit me in Cheyenne, we stopped off in Denver for a relaxing getaway. After servings of peppermint tea, pastries, and cucumber sandwiches, we felt completely at home.

Time for Tea - Katherine Chloe Cahoon-E

Time for Tea - Katherine Chloe Cahoon-D

Time for Tea - Katherine Chloe Cahoon-R

If you visit Denver, I highly recommend stopping in for tea at the Brown Palace. You will be welcomed by a live pianist, an ornately-decorated ceiling that seems to extend to heaven, and friendly servers who won’t pressure you to finish in a timely manner. After all, taking your time is key to enjoying this outing.

Time for Tea - Katherine Chloe Cahoon-P

Time for Tea - Katherine Chloe Cahoon-T

Time for Tea - Katherine Chloe Cahoon-J

And since my mom and I ordered seconds, we definitely felt like we had moved in.

Time for Tea - Katherine Chloe Cahoon-S

Time for Tea - Katherine Chloe Cahoon-W

Time for Tea - Katherine Chloe Cahoon-Q

If you’re really into relaxing, after tea, you can always stop by the spa for a massage or manicure.

Time for Tea - Katherine Chloe Cahoon-G

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My life in Cheyenne, Wyoming, is filled with covering breaking news, motivational stories, politics, and jury trials. Every single day as a reporter and anchor is an adventure, and I love it, but sometimes I want to relax. That’s when I go to Denver. It’s in a whole different state, yet it seems so close. Some might think it’s ironic that I go to a bigger city for relaxation. They could be right. Oh well. Welcome to my world!

The Best of Both Worlds - Katherine Chloe Cahoon C

My mom recently visited on a few-day Denver getaway.

The Best of Both Worlds - Katherine Chloe Cahoon E

In this town, I’ve gotten relaxation down to an art form. A favorite oasis is Larimer Square.

The Best of Both Worlds - Katherine Chloe Cahoon D

That is the oldest and most historic block in Denver.

The Best of Both Worlds - Katherine Chloe Cahoon G

When you step foot onto Larimer, you feel like you’ve entered an island of twinkling lights, flowers, charming shops, and scrumptious restaurants.

The Best of Both Worlds - Katherine Chloe Cahoon A

One of those restaurants is Vendome…

The Best of Both Worlds - Katherine Chloe Cahoon J

where salads taste so delicious they might as well be dessert, duck is so soft and juicy it melts in your mouth,

The Best of Both Worlds - Katherine Chloe Cahoon H

and the ambiance is intimate.

The Best of Both Worlds - Katherine Chloe Cahoon F

My mom and I didn’t want our Denver visit to end.

The Best of Both Worlds - Katherine Chloe Cahoon B

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April 25, 2018

I can’t believe I just performed with Reformation Dance, Cheyenne’s premiere contemporary ballet company, in “Star Tributes,” honoring the music of Star Wars composer, John Williams.

It’s a Wrap-Katherine Chloe Cahoon T

“Grateful” doesn’t begin to describe how I feel about Kathy Vreeland, the Founder/Artistic Director, for graciously inviting me to participate,

It’s a Wrap-Katherine Chloe Cahoon F

and the Company members for bringing me into their fold.

It’s a Wrap-Katherine Chloe Cahoon D

It’s a Wrap-Katherine Chloe Cahoon C

As Williams’ stirring music played, the dancers portrayed scenes of war.

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And Relief.

It’s a Wrap-Katherine Chloe Cahoon L

The audience got so involved in the production that some even came as Star Wars’ characters.

It’s a Wrap-Katherine Chloe Cahoon A

After the outpouring of all this emotion, the second act shifted gears with a tribute to the great 80’s band, Rush!

It’s a Wrap-Katherine Chloe Cahoon O

The combination of ballet and hard rock was fascinating.

It’s a Wrap-Katherine Chloe Cahoon N

I had the honor of appearing in the finale, reuniting with my Dancing with the Stars of Cheyenne partner, Jonathan Hedger,

It’s a Wrap-Katherine Chloe Cahoon Pbefore racing off to CBS to produce and anchor two shows.

It’s a Wrap-Katherine Chloe Cahoon Z

I have to admit the timing was incredibly tight, but I am so thankful to have been a part of this production.

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When I arrived at CBS NewsChannel 5, I learned of the station’s devotion to serving the community. Before long, our manager, Tregg White, asked me to be a contestant on Dancing with the Stars of Cheyenne, a competition that raises thousands of dollars for the Boys & Girls Club. I wasn’t experienced at ballroom dancing, but under the direction of my terrific partner, Ballet Wyoming’s Jonathan Hedger, we won.

Dancing En Pointe After Fourteen Years - Katherine Chloe Cahoon 1

In preparation for the competition, Jonathan urged me to take classes with the ballet company. When our event was over, Kathy Vreeland, the Founder/Director of Ballet Wyoming, encouraged me to continue.

Dancing En Pointe After Fourteen Years - Katherine Chloe Cahoon 2

She then transitioned her troupe into a new contemporary ballet company, called Reformation Dance, and invited me to perform with them. I was both stunned and excited.

Dancing En Pointe After Fourteen Years - Katherine Chloe Cahoon 3

Growing up, I had received wonderful training at the official school of Pacific Northwest Ballet and American Ballet Theatre, so it was great fun to be dancing again—but the thought of performing with the company was daunting. The dancers moved so beautifully and I hadn’t worn pointe shoes in fourteen years! Let me tell you, ballet dancing is not like riding a bike. You don’t just tie on the pointe shoes and suddenly feel all those hard-earned skills come flooding back.

Dancing En Pointe After Fourteen Years - Katherine Chloe Cahoon 4

I was filled with doubt; however, Jonathan and the other company members encouraged me. Here is a touching message one of the principal dancers sent me at a moment when I seriously thought the production might be better if I did not make an appearance:

Dancing En Pointe After Fourteen Years - Katherine Chloe Cahoon 5

“Hey! I just wanted you to know that I think you are a very strong dancer!! You look great! Believe in yourself, because we all know you can do the dances for the show. I know it is a tough road – it is a challenge for all of us. The great thing is we have each other for support and encouragement. Don’t give up girl – you have this!!”

Dancing En Pointe After Fourteen Years - Katherine Chloe Cahoon 6

Now, two months later, opening night of our “Star Tributes” is almost here. The show runs April 13-14 at the Cheyenne Civic Center. I’m in the finale. If you live nearby, we would all love to have you join us. Here are details…

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This month, I’ve been reminiscing about my entrance into the CBS broadcasting world. That happened about a year ago.

white pants

Since habitats are important, my first order of business was to consider what I wanted to come home to when I became a reporter/anchor at NewsChannel 5.


I thought, “Do I want an elegant living room?”

elegant living room

“Or, would I be happier with a casual crash pad where I can kick back and relax?”



I had to stop and ponder the decision.


Of course, that involved little dancing around the showroom.



That’s when the answer became clear.


I decided to incorporate elements of both styles.

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March 20, 2018

It’s official. According to the calendar, spring has arrived! So regardless of whether your weather agrees, we can all start thinking about what to wear as our winter clothes migrate to the back of the closet. In honor of the first day of spring, I’m dusting off my still-fashionable fair-weather frocks.

Whether tiptoeing through the tulips or enjoying a lunch date, florals are perennial favorites.

Spring Fashion Throwbacks

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I’m not casting off my classic little black dress, but from what I see, this spring is all about wearing colors that stand out…cobalt, chartreuse, bright orange, strong red.

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Timeless Spring Style-KatherineChloeCahoon I

From taking in a tropical resort to planning a garden party, my flowy dress is a favorite when the sun makes an appearance.

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