“The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see.” G.K. Chesterton

The Role of the Traveler

To me, the best explorers are those who have both a bit of the traveler and a bit of the tourist in their souls. Their eyes are opened wide enough for them to see life as it really is, but are shaded with the slight tint of rose-colored glasses to make each experience, regardless of the outcome, an adventure.

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Today, I’m doing a step-by-step dance tutorial to Around the World by Natalie La Rose. This girl is quickly becoming an all-out singing/dancing sensation.

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Leonard Lauder is Chairman Emeritus of Estée Lauder and one of the most generous men I know. I was touched when I read that in 2013, he gave 1.1 billion to charity, but it didn’t surprise me. You can always tell when a man is genuine and caring by looking into his eyes. When I met Leonard, his eyes sparkled. Here’s what the encounter was like… https://katherinechloecahoon.com/eighty-one-years-of-excellence/

Beauty and Philanthropy


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July 6, 2015

Sara, one of my very best friends, just got married. I remember being with her about three years ago as, one-at-a-time, she motioned at each guy in the room and gave me the scoop. That was because each had asked her out. Single guys loved Sara. She was always in demand, but she wisely waited for a man who is one of the most genuine, loyal people you could meet.

Love in the Summer A

One of my favorite aspects of weddings is how they bring friends together. Sara and I are best friends with Sheena too.

Love in the Summer B

For the longest time, Sara has called us The Three Musketeers. As she put it that night, “Now we’re just waiting for the third to get married.” No pressure on me;)

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In my neighborhood, people have been sprucing up their gardens in honor of July 4th. I’m a native of the USA, with neighbors from Slovania, Turkey, Japan, Greece, and more…but that doesn’t stop them from joining in the spirit of independence, so I just had to make a trip to the local nursery too. To get in the mood, I wore my red, white and blue Tory Burch top.

Flowers A

The plants were so beautiful that I wanted to buy them all.

Flowers B

Since that was impossible, I decided to just relax and wander around for awhile.

Flowers C

I have found that no matter what challenges life throws my way, the world always looks better with a trip to the nursery.

Flowers D

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Travel lovers know how expensive foreign exploring can be, which is why when I hear a top-notch money-saving tip, you all are the first to know. The tricky part of thrifty travel is getting the right mix of econo, unique experience, and comfort. If you have your eye on Dublin, I have just the place.

Discount Trip to Dublin A

Generator Dublin is a well-appointed hostel located in a renovated Irish folk-dancing hall loaded with ambiance. It’s worth the twenty-minute walk to the city center to experience its low prices and charm. You can get a private room for only $80 a night. If you’re able to pop for $138, you can stay downtown in the trendy, new Dean Hotel and hobnob at their rooftop restaurant.

Discount Trip to Dublin B

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If you want to up your dating game, watch and learn as Reggie explains what goes through guys’ minds on a date, and dispenses relationship insights.

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Grandma was quite concerned about having her makeover complete before all her admiring fans arrived for birthday festivities.

Grandma A

And she wasn’t about to have any items left out. In fact, she asked for extra coats of lip-gloss. After all, a girl only turns ninety-one once!Grandma B

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June 29, 2015

It’s been awhile since I’ve featured an eligible bachelor and his dating insights for Meeting Men Monday. Requests have been rolling in to bring on the guys, so today I am proud to present Reggie. He is not only a successful manager, but a success at making the most of life in general. I’ve never seen him when he wasn’t in a good mood and people didn’t want to be around him.


Later this week, I’m posting a video where Reggie reveals what guys think on dates. For now, I’m giving you one of his tips: “When you go about life genuinely having a good time, that attitude is felt by others and they want to be around you.” That goes for making friends and dating. I don’t know any girl who wouldn’t have a good time being around Reggie.

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Whenever you hear the name, Pitbull, you know the music will have a fun vibe. And when the song is called Fun, if you aren’t in a partying mood you soon will be. Here’s a step-by-step dance tutorial to a live performance of Pitbull’s latest featuring Chris Brown.

Since it’s Fashion Friday, I’m giving a shout-out to Topshop. That is where I got the fringed top in this video. What I like about the brand is that it’s always on the cusp of trends while being reasonably-priced.

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June 25, 2015

If there was ever a girl put under a spell, that was me seeing this magic extravaganza. The production, involving eleven illusionists, is much more than a magic show. The performers’ slight-of-hand incorporates humorous, heartwarming, dazzling, and scary elements. While watching it, I went from laughing and cheering, to holding my breath during the replication of Houdini’s escape from his famous upside-down Chinese Water Torture Cell!

The Illusionists A

My dad snapped this pic before the show. I took him for Father’s Day, but I think I enjoyed the performance just as much as he did, if not more. I was so enthralled by the acts that now I want to take magic lessons.

The Illusionists B

Since this is Travel Thursday, here is the Illusionists’ tour schedule. I hope you get a chance to see them. https://www.theillusionistslive.com/

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Can a girl help it if she’s ridiculously proud of her boys? That would describe my feelings towards Vanderbilt’s baseball team. I know I posted about them yesterday, but I just couldn’t help giving the guys another shout-out! Regardless of what happens, making it this far in the College World Series finals is a great accomplishment.

Vandy Baseball

A trait I’ve long admired about that team is their ability to maintain balance in life. While I was at Vandy, when my baseball friends were practicing, preparing for a game, and playing, that was all they thought about. When they were in class, and studying, that was their sole focus. And when it came time to have fun, they went about it like they were in the World Series of Fun Times. A perfect example is when my good friend, Lauren, and I attended a paint party on campus.

Paint Party

We couldn’t take pics at the event because too much paint was being splattered everywhere. The whole baseball team was there. One of the players turned his attempts to tag me into the ultimate game. He was a master at crouching down to hide behind people, and then dousing me with paint when I least expected it—and he had the most infectious laugh once he did! If you had seen him on the field in a tight game, you would never have guessed that such a serious ball-player had such a playful side. Like the rest of his team, he knew how to make the most of whatever he was doing.

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June 23, 2015

I couldn’t be more excited to see the Vanderbilt Baseball boys in the College World Series finals, and their win in last night’s game! In their honor, here’s a little video from when I cheered for them. It was candidly recorded on my friend’s phone. Something along the lines of a beer in one hand, and a phone in the other:) I’m the girl on the viewers’ left.


Most college cheerleaders don’t perform at baseball games, but we had a top-ranked team and they invited us so, of course, we came. The whole experience was magical…and I think the magic was all a result of the baseball boys themselves. As we cheered them on, they called out encouragement to us!


Since this is Beauty Trend Tuesday, if you’re supporting a team and want to show your spirit, I have just the cosmetic company for you. Regardless of what your team colors are, you’ll always be able to find them in Ben Nye’s makeup selection—even if they’re on the wild side.

Ben Nye

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June 21, 2015

It seems like whenever someone asks my dad why something unusual happened in his life, he shakes his head and says, “I have girls!” I can attest to the fact that dads could win awards for all the worrying they do over their daughters. But from this daughter’s perspective, it’s worth knowing how much they care.

Dad A

I always love spending time with my dad. These days between work, travel and other obligations, I don’t often get a chance to collaborate with him on projects. But I always enjoy the times when we can. I remember when he took the banner pictures for this site. What’s wonderful about going on a shoot with Dad is that dessert is always a part of the itinerary!

Dad Seattle B

I’m a strong believer in the concept that fathers and mothers shouldn’t be celebrated only one day a year. My parents have done so much for me. I try to show them how much I care every day.

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These days, a city girl can go country regardless of where she is. Fashionistas in the north, south, east, and west are all lovin’ the style. As you know, I had a country theme last week in honor of the CMA Music Festival. I thought that was the end of my Nashville nostalgia, but I kept seeing the influence everywhere, so I’ve returned to Hoedown Land on this Fashion Friday.

Fashion Friday A

Both of the tops I’m showing today are by Current/Elliott. Their company is Plaid, Button-Up Central. White shorts are a summer staple. Mine are by DL 1961.

Fashion Friday B

And every girl needs a pair of navy shorts in her wardrobe.

Fashion Friday C

They’re a summer style right of passage! I love mine, by Frame Denim.

Fashion Friday D

Apparently when I put on a new outfit, I get so excited that I start having way too much fun posing for pics:) Hope you all have way too much this weekend wherever your adventures take you.


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