
Online Dating Safety Tips

May 5, 2016

Online dating can be fun and one hundred percent safe, or it can put the un-savvy in an unsafe situation. When you’re about to meet in the flesh that stranger who has been typing you messages while hiding behind the computer screen, safety precautions must be put into play. The gorgeous girl next to me in this picture is so adept at sidestepping shady romantic encounters that she could be considered an online dating expert. Today, I’m sharing some safety tips so that all of you can search for romance without the worry of a dicey situation. Girls' Night

Be Upfront. “That whole idea of shopping for humans means you treat people not like humans, but like things,” observed Seattle’s Susie Lee, the founder of the female-friendly dating app, Siren. Because of this, singles often spend their time trying to score a date, rather than making a good match. They don’t specify their boundaries up front for fear of being rejected as high-maintenance.

Don’t Fall Into This Trap. Meet a first date in public, establish a definite start and stop time, and don’t deviate from the plan. No matter how charming this so-called catch seems, never find yourself alone with him. You don’t know him well enough yet to decipher if he is well-intentioned.

Do Your Research. Before connecting in person with someone you met online, sleuth around on the web. Look on LinkedIn. Has this person hopped from job-to-job? That could be a bad sign. You can also use public record search tools to check out someone’s background.

Be Prepared. No situation is ever for sure…in dating and in life…so it’s important to be empowered. Take some self-defense courses. Here are some tips…

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