New to the Dating Scene
Hello my dears, it’s official. I’m off to Cabo! And I can’t wait to get the adventures started. I’ve been there before and recall what lively groups that town draws in. People were partying on the plane well before we reached Baja:) I’ll definitely keep you posted on my trip, but meanwhile I want to share an email from a reader and get your input.
She gave me permission to do this and her question is the kind that I’d sometimes film for a Pillow Talk relationship video. I haven’t done one of those in too long, but I will soon…or at least soon-ish. If I could, I would make multiple videos a week, but since I do everything on them myself, it’s tough to fit it all in—with my regular job.
Okay, so here’s her dating dilemma: “I had a lot of serious health problems in high school and college that took up most of my time, so I wasn’t able to have much of a social life. Now I’m so thankful to be healthy, but I’m twenty-two and haven’t been on a single date. Will men be deterred by my lack of experience?”
And here are my thoughts: First of all, you should be so proud of yourself for making it through high school and college with serious health problems. It takes courage to forge on when life is presenting such challenges. And it’s a miracle that you’re now healthy. I say celebrate your health and realize that if a guy cares about you, then he won’t care about your so-called lack of experience. Seriously, what is experience? Maybe you haven’t had experience in the dating arena, but everyone has unique experiences that make that person special. A good man will cherish yours and look forward to creating new ones with you.
If any of you have more thoughts, I’m sure she’d love to hear them.