
Milly Shoot Turned Girls’ Night

September 14, 2015

Last Monday was all about girls’ night confessions. Afterwards, I loved reading your messages about the need to get together with close friends every once in a while and cut loose. And I learned that girls’ nights can span generations. That happened to me last weekend. Here, my mom and I were out having fun snapping pictures of my new Milly find.

Milly A

In my family, we love taking pictures. My mom always wants to be clicking the camera rather than standing in front of it. But she shouldn’t. Trust me, she’s a total babe!

Milly B

We have fun experimenting with different poses and camera settings…especially when something like a Milly creation is involved.

Milly C

Mom was in an extra-creative mood that night. She had recently seen a jewelry picture in a magazine where the model artistically fanned out her fingers across her face. When she suggested we create our own version of the look, I pointed out that I wasn’t really a model. Her answer? “Who lets a little thing like that stop her?” I love my mom!

Milly D

My favorite part of the experience though, was when she looked at me and said, “We’re in serious need of a girls’ night. Let’s go to dinner.” We had so much fun telling jokes and laughing. And when the server asked Mom if she would like dessert, her answer was, “Hit me with it!” She ordered double fudge cake with whipped cream.

Milly E

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