Meet a Real Gypsy
A little less than two years ago, a fascinating girl named Cristin contacted me saying that she had read my book, The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men, and it inspired her to travel. We became insta-friends as she embarked on a journey that took her to about 32 countries and enticed her to live for awhile in five. With her charismatic personality and infectious smile it’s no wonder that she bonded with people everywhere she went…instantly blending in with the locals, joining the party scene and soaking up the culture. We’ve chatted via Skype, so I can attest that her smile is 100% infectious.
I made this picture page of the two of us communing from across the sea. Here, Cristin is cruising through Cambodia, and I’m working in Toronto, Ontario Canada. As you can see, throughout all the adventures that life has brought us these past few years, we’ve stayed in touch. Never mind the fact that we’ve never met in person. We didn’t let a little thing like geographical distance destroy a friendship. Hopefully, one day our paths will cross!
Cristin gave me permission to let you all in on her story…and, wow, has this girl had the escapades! An entire movie could be made about her, but since I can’t write an epistle now, I’ll give you some high points.
Her travelitis…the only enviable itis…began when she took a temporary job in Spain. She cleared out her closet, got rid of everything that wasn’t a must-have, and downsized to one big suitcase, one small one, and a backpack. With a collapsible hula-hoop, she was set to exercise anywhere she chose to land.
Since that day, Cristin has only worked long enough in any area that she called home to save enough money to travel somewhere else. After that, whenever her diñero ran low, no problem. Cristin speaks English, Spanish, French and some Finnish, so with the added benefit of her personality she has always managed to land a job just about anywhere in a snap. Then when her funds were replenished and the travel bug again bit, she would scan the famous Couch Surfing site, choose a destination, get a feel for the local flavor, and jet off to her new home. If after she arrived the surroundings didn’t feel right she high-tailed it out of there without hesitation. To Cristin, safety and satisfaction are about following your gut.
Through her adventures, this explorer has made myriads of friends and absorbed the best of their qualities to become the very best version of herself. Right now, she’s living in a tiny apartment in Paris where she’s working, but as she explained, “I may be living in a closet, but I’m completely happy.” For the present, she has no desire to put down roots anywhere. She loves being on the go.
There is more to Cristin than I can possibly relate in one blog post, so I’m planning on further filling you in later. If you want to keep up with her exciting life, check out her blog!