
Jessie J Makeup Tutorial

February 3, 2015

On Jessie J’s Burnin’ Up music video, the lyrics aren’t all that’s hot. The singer’s makeup is smoldering. I realize that I don’t have her exotic allure, but I learned how to create a similar look from celebrity makeup artist Kevianno Guerrero—and now so can you!

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I couldn’t have found a better man to tackle this project. Kevianno’s work has been featured on runways, in music videos, and on the pages of major magazines like Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan and Elle. Most importantly – for someone who is frankly very important – he is refreshingly fun and caring.

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Kevianno tweaked Jessie J’s look for my coloring with NARS products. You can do the same using this step-by-step tutorial with product links.

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Just as we were getting started, two of my favorite friends, Jordan and Sean, stopped by to say hi. They are also cosmetic experts, so it felt like a makeup party.

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First up, Kevianno applied NARS’ All Day Luminous Weightless Foundation. One pump covered my the entire face, and one word describes this product…amazing.

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Next, Eye Paint goes all over my lid, followed by a Valhalla Shimmer Shadow, peach shadow, and a neutral tone in the crease. Duo D’Ombres Essentielles, the eye shadow Kevianno used on me, is a limited edition so you know what that means:) Then along the upper lash line, he applied Eyeliner Pencil and false eyelashes…

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He topped this off with black Eye Paint liquid eyeliner, and dusted Reckless Shine under my eyes for a glamorous glow.

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The eyes and lips provide the drama in Jesse J’s look. Kevianno had me pucker up with Cruella Velvet Matte Lip Pencil and Jungle Red Lip Liner.


No face is complete without blush. For this, Kevianno used Deep Throat. I adore the look he gave me. He drew the entire step-by-step on this face chart.

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I had the makeover last Friday and wasted no time flaunting it for evening adventures!

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I’m so glad to have had the privilege of getting to know Kevianno. He’s truly an outstanding person and makeup artist.

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And who are the two babes with him in this picture? The one on the left is Heather, a NARS makeup artist who helped out, and the one in the center is my mom! She took all the pictures and when we were done, Kevianno did a beautiful makeup job on her too. Thank you Mom and Heather! And of course, a huge thanks to Kevianno.


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