I Love American Men Too!
Today, I heard a question that I know too well. It came from an American man. I’ve heard it several times, and it goes like this: “You wrote a book about meeting European men. Don’t you like us American men?” I don’t just like American men…I LOVE them! The circle of love is not exclusive:) I enjoy people from a vast array of countries and cultures. My book arose from experiences during my Vanderbilt summer semesters abroad.
As unofficial ambassadors from the USA, the appealing men pictured have designed messages to entice single girls to meet them and their countrymen. Which quote do you think matches which guy? To help you out, I made up code names and descriptions for them. The answers are below.
HUNK OF BURNING LOVE. “Romance is said to be the language of love. What better way to find love than to meet someone who can speak your language;)” Whether or not a girl speaks English, she would find this guy romantic. He’s an expert at communicating the language of love. He’s even a professional at singing it. Looks like we have an Elvis for the new millennium!
MR. ASSETS. “American men…where amazing happens!!” The bottom line on this accountant is that you would have an amazing time with him. He has MANY ASSETS…and I’m not just talking about the financial types:)
THE STALLION. “We may not have the accents, but we have the moves!” Hint: This jet expert was in my first Elle Woods-esque travel host video. He said the line, “I may not be Italian, but I’m a stallion.” He was fabulous! No wonder the video was named one of the best for 2010.
THE LOVE DOCTOR. “Hollywood invented the romantic comedy. Any man can wine and dine a beautiful woman, but American men are schooled from a young age on what the ladies really want. We know how to make you laugh everyday, and how to surprise our ladies with romantic gestures to keep the love alive.” Looks like this MD got his residency in romance;),/p>
MR. BIZ. “It’s simple…we can relate with American women on a deep level due to our similar roots.” This businessman loves women of all nationalities, but he wants American girls to know they do not have to cross the ocean to find romance. Any girl from any country who is lucky enough to be with him will find her personal stock appreciate!
SMOOTH OPERATOR. “I am a calm, c’est la vie kind of guy.” This is true. No matter what curve balls life throws him, this manager remains upbeat. But just because he’s calm doesn’t mean he’s not a total character! Clue: He is one of the two robust men with a smoldering stare.
BLUE CRUSH. “It isn’t just about big trucks, fast cars and freedom. All good things come from American men.” So I realize that good things come from men and women alike who are from every country around the world. After all, I wrote The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men. But this surf aficionado sure wants to win your heart! And I know many girls who are CRUSHING on him.
7. Hunk of Burning Love 6. Smooth Operator 5. Mr. Assets 4. Mr. Biz 3. The Stallion 2. Blue Crush 1. The Love Doctor