How to Create a Color-Infused Braid
I’m getting ready to help the renowned artist, Ginny Ruffner, build her display garden for the Northwest Flower & Garden Show. Ginny’s masterful glass and metal creations are permanently featured in over 40 museums worldwide—and in the fanciful garden of her Seattle home. It’s no wonder that the Arboretum Foundation begged her to let them recreate it for the show. If you met Ginny, you’d realize that everything about her is a work of art, even her hair. She has a long, curly mane with a personality of its own. Since I’ll be working with Ginny today, it’s only fitting to coiffure my own hair in a creative way. I hope she likes it!
Since I’ll be bending over working with plants, I’ve decided to do a braid to keep my hair out of the way…but in honor of Ginny I’m working in colorful stands of yarn. And I’m creating this style as I go along. First, I’m clipping up the top part of my hair. Then I’m tying several strings of yarn in a variety of colors to the remaining hair. Yarn is easy to work with because it’s not slippery. To spice up the style, I’m mixing in some shimmer yarn.
Helpful Hints: If you try this, choose yarn that is fairly thick so the colors don’t get lost in your hair. Precut each strand so that it will blend in seamlessly with your hair length…and you won’t risk accidently cutting off your own hair by trying to even everything up:)
Next, I’ve decided on a Fishtail Braid. I love this type because it looks fancy, but is deceptively easy. If you want this look, all you have to do is divide your hair into two equal-sized pieces.
Take a small strand of hair from the outer edge of the left piece, pull it over the rest of that left piece, and place it into the right piece.
Then repeat the process on the right. Keep doing this on alternate sides until your braid is completed. Some people worry about making a perfect braid, but I don’t. I think there’s a charm to a messy, loose, bohemian look…especially when gardening with a famous artist!
All you need to complete this look is to tie the end of the braid together with some remaining yarn. I braided my yarn first… You can also add a tiny braid that swoops from your part down to your fishtail, like I did.
I’ll try to squeeze in taking a few pictures while I help Ginny create the garden. Then you can see it on Travel Thursday – with more about this show – and learn why she is as famous as her art.