
Handmade Fashions

April 3, 2015

I had to part with Cabo San Lucas, but that doesn’t mean I also had to part with the souvenirs I picked up there. Personally, I think some of the best Mexico fashion finds come from itinerant beach merchants. I don’t know why, but a girl can be lounging on the sand, totally tuckered out from mega fun the night before—and once she spies a vender carrying something cute, she’s instantly filled with the energy to hop up and run to him.

Handmade Fashions A

The above bathing suit cover-up was handmade by the family of the seller, and very reasonably priced. In my opinion, of all the goods sold on the beach, the handmade items are the ones to hold out for. Each dress is slightly different, so you won’t see yourself coming and going around town.

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