
Halloween Decorating Tips

October 16, 2015

…from an owner of Wells Medina Nursery, who is known for her artistic outdoor décor. When you enter her nursery this time of year, you feel like you’re stepping into Halloween’s backyard.

Halloween Decorating Tips A

Lisa was willing to share her decorating known-how for all of you who want to have a spooktacular landscape. She describes the key to creating any theme garden as picking one element and building upon it. For example, she started the display above by hanging shiny black balls. Then she brought in white obelisks and ghosts, tying them into the balls with black detailing. She completed the scene with fall foliage.

Halloween Decorating Tips B

After Lisa clued me in on how to become the decorating Halloween queen, I couldn’t resist perusing the pumpkins. And then she showed me the trash cans she decorated with stencils and turned into pots.

Halloween Decorating Tips C

Some say that the excitement of Halloween ends with childhood, but I say this holiday is for those at every age…so long as they have a slight mischievous streak.

Halloween Decorating Tips D

Plus, I’ve never let an age-limit stop me from enjoying something like a holiday!!

Halloween Decorating Tips E

So Happy Almost-Halloween one and all.

Halloween Decorating Tips FSweater by Burberry.

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