Get Your Rizz On!
Most of us could never become our nation’s most-decorated alpine skier like Bode Miller, dominate women’s Olympic snowboarding slopestyle like Jamie Anderson, or win the first US Olympic gold in ice dancing like Charlie White and Meryl Davis—and after yesterday’s stunt, we all know I couldn’t:) But everyone can enjoy getting fit.
These girls got into character for a Fire and Ice event hosted by Rizzmic. Melain and Cory, the babes to the right of me, created this up-and-coming dance-fitness sensation which is catching on like wildFIRE. As they explain, Rizzmic is “a torch to your metabolism” which “seamlessly blends fitness with truly stylized dance, hitting each big craze on the map, from disco and country to hip hop and jazz.” Anyone can pick up the moves, and instructors are being certified from the west coast to the east.