
From France with Love

January 12, 2011

Life coach, Leslie Juvin, said of The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men, “I thoroughly enjoyed the book… It can be read as a guide or…a novel, which makes it a fun, handy guide to store in a travel bag or something to read seaside.” Leslie lives in France with her French husband (pictured here).

Let's TalkI was excited to have someone who knows Europe so well review my book. She discusses many elements from the tips and hot spots to “cultural and geographical research, financial planning…cultural etiquette” and much more. On safety, she wrote, “We have all read or heard stories of young American women who have gone on foreign vacations or study abroads and have wound up in trouble, or even worse, dead. Female students and young professionals embarking on their first European experience could benefit from reading this book. Without scaring or intimidating readers, The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men is realistic about potential dangers and advises on how to avoid them, without killing the adventurous and fearless spirit of foreign travel.” Here is the full review on her blog LiveLoveLeslie. 

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