Follow Your Heart
To me, this phrase has always seemed to be a romantic–but faulty–metaphor. Logically, I thought that falling in love was following my mind. After all, isn’t it your mind that tells you you’re in love? When you act on impulse, doesn’t your mind tell you to act? Well, after reading some interesting research on kissing, I’ve decided that there is more substance to conventional romantic wisdom than I thought. So I’ve decided that the phrase should be changed to “follow your heart and your mind.”
It’s Okay to be Smart dissected the subject. Joe Hanson, of this YouTube channel, explained that kissing cranks up five of your twelve cranial nerves. Intimacy releases epinephrine and norepinephrine, which cause your heart to beat faster. That sends a wave of oxygenated blood to your brain which dilates your pupils.
And while all of this is happening, your mind is telling you how much you love this person.