
How to Find Lasting Romance

March 9, 2015

According to popular teen romance author Sally Brandle, “A good romance should validate that none of us are perfect. It isn’t easy to find the right partner.”

How to Find Lasting Romance A

When I was young, a close family friend, who was like a second father to me, once said, “No one is perfect. When you do settle down with someone, make sure you can not only handle, but complement, his flaws. More important than knowing your partner’s strengths is knowing his weaknesses, so you can be there to help in times of need.”

How to Find Lasting Romance B

I received similar advice from an adorable couple who were childhood friends. They had been happily married for 30 years, and said a secret to their success was that they took the time to get to know one another on many levels in addition to romance. Then once they were married they continually took time to keep the spark alive.

How to Find Lasting Romance C

I love this sentiment. The charming pictures in this post were taken from Momental Design.

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