
Film Industry Workplace Wardrobes

April 9, 2015

Congratulations to those about to graduate from college! Since this is Travel Thursday and I’ve posted about some of my film industry work in LA and NYC, I’m answering questions about what to wear to job interviews there. And, as you all know, I love requests, especially about anything involving fashion.

The trick with interviews is to dress for the position you seek. The tricky part is that this can vary by company, and even within divisions of the same company. I’ve met with several film producers and been stunned at how much style shifts from one place to another. This week, I’ve featured fashions at Insurgent premieres, and that’s a great tie-in.


Lionsgate is one of the film’s distributors, and I’m happy to share my experience there. Before I go to any meeting in the film industry where I haven’t been before, I search online for pictures of what the staff wears. When I met with an executive of Lionsgate TV, based on what I saw, I wore the same black dress that I chose when a Toronto theatre put up a poster of my short film But I Do for the Canadian premiere.


This dress was perfect for my Lionsgate meeting. In fact, the producer I met with mentioned this, and said that one of the elements she loved about her division of Lionsgate was that the dress code wasn’t as formal as at other film companies she’d worked for where only business suits were allowed.

Good luck to all of you! And if you have any more questions, I’m here.

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