Everlasting Love
On this Meeting Men Monday, I’m sharing my friend’s secrets to lasting love. She is in her thirties and has been with her husband for 17 years. Before getting married, they were high school and college sweethearts. So her Prince Charming is one of the first guys she ever dated. And what is magical about this Happily Ever After is that AFTER all this time they really are HAPPY. When this man looks at his wife, his demeanor is that of someone who has just fallen in love.
My friend has two major tips for keeping the flame of love burning year after year. The first is a weekly date night. As she explained, “I’ve seen a lot of couples slack off on scheduled dates. As the years slip by, they become complacent and settle for hanging out at home instead of having a special evening out.” Once a week, she and her hubby get done up and rekindle their romance. She said that no matter what challenges she faces during the week – even if it’s the stress of a new job or sleepless nights dealing with bursting pipes – looking forward to consecrated alone time with her husband on the weekend gets her through them.
When it comes to keeping the relationship hot, my friend revealed, “Sexy lingerie isn’t just for in the movies. It’s a sure way to get your husband in the mood.” Well, you’ve heard it from the expert!