
Event Alert

March 28, 2011

Event Alert

What: Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Book Event

University of Washington’s Alpha Chi Omega chapter has invited me to speak to their members about study abroad. Each girl who makes a $10 donation to The Salvation Army Earthquake/Tsunami Relief will receive a free signed copy of my book. When I was five, I was concerned when I heard about disasters like the tragic Bangladesh cyclone. At that age, whenever something bad happened in my life, eating cookies helped. So I made a batch with my mom and asked her to send them off. I wanted to send milk, too, but she explained that it wouldn’t survive the trip. Whether we’re five or 24, like I am now, we can help others in times of crises.

When: Wednesday, March 30 at 6:15PM

Where: Alpha Chi Omega, 4545 17th Ave NE, Seattle 98105

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