
Event Alert

January 28, 2011

Event Alert

What: University of Washington Philanthropy Book Event

Kappa Delta’s UW chapter invited me to speak to them and other sororities at a book event benefiting Seattle Children’s Hospital. I will be covering trip preparation, safety, and the inside track on the Czech Republic, Italy, and Switzerland, including man-meeting hot spots. Many girls will be studying in those countries next term.

I’ll be signing books and donating all my proceeds to the hospital. Each girl who makes a $10 donation will receive a free book. As some of you know, this is my second Children’s Hospital event. My close friend’s life was saved by Seattle Children’s Hospital. Starting when I was two, I visited her after all of her heart surgeries. She is now a healthy 25-year-old who recently gave birth to a healthy baby. I especially want to help this hospital save more lives like hers.

When: Monday, January 31 at 5:30PM

Where: Kappa Delta House, 4524 17th AVE NE, Seattle 98105


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