
Dressed Up

March 20, 2015

When a girl needs a dress, a girl can never go wrong with Ted Baker. That’s who I’m featuring here in Cabo for Fashion Friday.

Ted Baker A

It’s the weekend and a vacationer can expect lots of sunbeams, dancing, and fun. Anyone who knows me, knows dancing is one of my favorite weekend (and frankly weekday) activities. This Ted Baker dress flips out at the end, making it a prime twirler. And I don’t know what it is about Cabo, but girls twirl everywhere. Maybe that is because this town is Dance Central—from around the pool to on the beach, and from hotel balconies to restaurants and clubs!

Ted Baker B

To complete my look for this evening, I chose a Lucite bangle from Alexis Bittar. The hue goes with a variety of ensembles, which makes it an ideal, versatile accessory for limited packing space.

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