Dancing En Pointe After Fourteen Years!
When I arrived at CBS NewsChannel 5, I learned of the station’s devotion to serving the community. Before long, our manager, Tregg White, asked me to be a contestant on Dancing with the Stars of Cheyenne, a competition that raises thousands of dollars for the Boys & Girls Club. I wasn’t experienced at ballroom dancing, but under the direction of my terrific partner, Ballet Wyoming’s Jonathan Hedger, we won.
In preparation for the competition, Jonathan urged me to take classes with the ballet company. When our event was over, Kathy Vreeland, the Founder/Director of Ballet Wyoming, encouraged me to continue.
She then transitioned her troupe into a new contemporary ballet company, called Reformation Dance, and invited me to perform with them. I was both stunned and excited.
Growing up, I had received wonderful training at the official school of Pacific Northwest Ballet and American Ballet Theatre, so it was great fun to be dancing again—but the thought of performing with the company was daunting. The dancers moved so beautifully and I hadn’t worn pointe shoes in fourteen years! Let me tell you, ballet dancing is not like riding a bike. You don’t just tie on the pointe shoes and suddenly feel all those hard-earned skills come flooding back.
I was filled with doubt; however, Jonathan and the other company members encouraged me. Here is a touching message one of the principal dancers sent me at a moment when I seriously thought the production might be better if I did not make an appearance:
“Hey! I just wanted you to know that I think you are a very strong dancer!! You look great! Believe in yourself, because we all know you can do the dances for the show. I know it is a tough road – it is a challenge for all of us. The great thing is we have each other for support and encouragement. Don’t give up girl – you have this!!”
Now, two months later, opening night of our “Star Tributes” is almost here. The show runs April 13-14 at the Cheyenne Civic Center. I’m in the finale. If you live nearby, we would all love to have you join us. Here are details… https://reformationdance.com/star-tributes-rush-archieves/