
Celebrating Salmon

October 8, 2014

I was touching down in Seattle to spend some time with family over the weekend before jetting off. And a girl never gets too old for a daddy-daughter date! We did in Salmon Days. Or, as my dad put it, “An excuse to eat a lot of good food.” I’m definitely my dad’s girl. We treated the event like an extended three-course meal. In between indulging, we watched the beautiful fish swim upstream at the end of their lives, returning to where they were born to spawn and start again the cycle of life. One of the best parts of this day was hearing the excited voices of children squealing as they watched the fish jump.

Salmon Days A

After appetizers, we strolled through the exhibits, sampled the wares, and watched the artisans plying their crafts.

Salmon Days B

Then we entered the fish-painting station and joined in.

Salmon Days C

Dad said, “There’s no sign saying, ‘Kids only,’ so there’s no way they’re kicking us out.” We were about the only adults there, but we didn’t let that stop our good time:)

Salmon Days D

Our art wasn’t exactly on par with that of the exhibitioners, but don’t tell my dad:) Mine is the Tie-Die Fish, or as Dad put it, Save the Planet. Very fitting since this event was hosted in part by the City’s Office of Sustainability and Recology CleanScapes. Green was a big part of the celebration. Food venders used compostable items and fair shuttles were run on biodiesel fuel.

Salmon Days E

My dad is going through a picture-shy phase, but hopefully he’ll be back in the mood by the time the holidays roll around. He was far too popular in last year’s Christmas Dance Wars to bow out!

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