The Badass Businessman
This guy may look buttoned-down and he is a successful businessman, but he’s also a total daredevil and outdoor sports buff. Just to give you a sample, Austin has whitewater-rafted down Class 5 rapids in only a life jacket and hiked Mount Whitney – the highest summit in the contiguous US – in only a day. You’ve heard of heli-skiing, well, he’s upped the adrenaline by heli-jumping!
Since this is Meeting Men Monday, Austin stepped away from the office and his extreme outdoor escapades to chat about dating.
The Mysteries of the Female Mind. What I love most about Austin is his sense of humor. When asked about his knowledge of women, his response was a paradox. “I think I understand girls pretty well…yet I’m still single.”
True Love. For Austin, love has many facets. As he explained, “If I see a beautiful girl and want to be with her, I like to believe it’s love at first sight—but in reality, to make a relationship work there has to be more than physical attraction.”
Throw in the Fear. On the subject of beauty, this guy – who is obviously courageous – says he becomes gripped with fear when he sees a woman he wants who “is ridiculously attractive and knows it.”
The Golden Rule of Dating. Our elementary school teachers had it right when they taught us to treat others like we want them to treat us. As Austin says, “I’m attracted to girls who are confident, but at the same time nice—even to people they don’t care to be around.”