As Promised…
I’m posting more pictures from the time when I housesat. These ones were taken at a neighbor’s home.
This entire experience made me feel fabulously alive. When I arrived, I had just finished a huge project and felt exhausted. Then, as if by magic, temporarily taking up residence in a place where I was exploring new turf and knew no one made my carefree side soar.
Every day was an adventure in beautiful surroundings. Getting lost while driving to new hot spots felt like exploring rather than frustration. Taking a walk and greeting people I had never met became an opportunity to make new friends. Even short-fuse writing deadlines felt fun when I could do them sitting at the backyard table with nearby golfers occasionally waving, and the neighbor’s cat cuddled up by my side.
During this time, I made more friends, smiled more often, and felt more like a kid than I had in a long time. There is something magical about being in a place where you know absolutely no one, and may never see they again. You become so uninhibited that you are 100% yourself. And that’s when you really come alive!
Now, I’m hoping to always remember my spontaneous, carefree self, and take it with me everywhere.
Top by Banana Republic and Shorts by 7 For All Mankind.