Approaching Summer Passage
We still have plenty of warm, sunny days left. So if you haven’t fully embraced summer, it’s not too late! Here are three must-do’s before you say goodbye to the rays and greet the fall leaves.
1. Peruse an arts-and-crafts fair. Admire the masterpieces, and find unique, handmade gifts, jewelry, and clothing.
2. Go on a road trip with friends. Stop at the first beautiful lake you find, and swim. Stop at the first town having a festival, and eat a hamburger fresh off the grill. Sample the local lemonade. Buy a piece of clothing you tried on in a makeshift dressing room. And hold the memory in your heart when the first winter wind begins to howl.
3. Plan a dinner party and shop for it at a farmer’s market. Buy a fish caught that very day, and corn still wrapped in the husk. Gather all the ingredients for an organic salad topped off with edible flowers. Grab a fragrant bouquet before heading home.